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  1. #1
    FeedYourHead's Avatar
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    Surgery from spiral fracture, with Plate/Hardware screwed, to Humerus

    I am a 27 year old non-competitive Male Bodybuilder who has gone through 3 years of injuries and am left near 50lbs of lean mass lighter, half the size I once was and half the strength I once had. I have always been 100% natural though just in case times like these came up, I had done years of intense research on the substances I will be talking about. After more than a year of healing from my last injury, recovery and physical therapy, I am left with a foot long Metal Plate/Hardware on a spiral fractured Left Humerus. Will higher doses (starting at 1iu and increasing up to 4iu or 5iu at a time if side effects are not found) of HGH, as well as taking IGF-1, Insulin and various AAS and pro-hormone DBol , have any negative side effects on the Plate/Hardware/Screws in my Arm?

    1) Elongation of Bones, though it's MORE than likely my Growth Plates have shut off some time ago, I'm not sure if higher doses have the physical possibility of reactivating them, or not? Or anything similar?

    2) Stress, tears of tissue/Cartilage/Tendons/Fibers, fractures, breakages of Bone/Plate/Hardware/Screws, ETC, due to the quick gains of mass onto my Skeleton and so on?

    If you have any knowledge, experience, input, scientific/fact based information, please share! This is important! I don't know whether I can go for it, or I should get the Plate and Screws removed and have another expensive and lengthy surgery and recovery process before I go for it?

    Thank you for your time!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Surgery from spiral fracture, with Plate/Hardware screwed, to Humerus-10440240_240299819498607_9094512897633071832_n.jpg   Surgery from spiral fracture, with Plate/Hardware screwed, to Humerus-10494847_244546182407304_8732290745011755546_n.jpg  

  2. #2
    FeedYourHead's Avatar
    FeedYourHead is offline New Member
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    Anyone have any information? Thanks.

  3. #3
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sorry to hear about your injury but its good you are much better now.

    AAS can increase bone density, but this have not effect on the plate on your arm, my concern would be if the injured area is strong enough for the sudden increase in strenght it will give your muscles? Steroids will not strengthen your bones, tendons, ligaments, joints, etc, it will only strengthen your muscles and this can cause more injuries.

    How long have you been training post injury? You should start real slow...

    About the drugs you mentioned: only Rx HGH is real, forget about chinese or any online GH. Dbol (Dianabol ?) is not a pro-hormone.

  4. #4
    FeedYourHead's Avatar
    FeedYourHead is offline New Member
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    Thank you! I'm glad that I didn't loose my Arm actually, it was definitely hanging by Fibers haha

    As far as AAS I wasn't so worried, it was more of a question to do with HGH and possible complications with the Plate/Screws coming undone or breaking, as well as HGH helping with the Ligaments, ETC as I know AAS would have no positive effects on anything like this

    I have never cycled AAS/HGH/Pro Hormones before but have done extensive research and feel comfortable with "joining the dark side". Yes, Dianabol , I just assumed Orals were Pro Hormones, thank you for clearing that up

    I have only been training, which started VERY lightly for 7 months, post-physical therapy, now but have been lifting moderately heavy again without complications, thus far. My Orthopedic Surgeon said, and I quote, "It would take Lightning to break that Plate", though of course I don't count on anything risking my health anymore in Life unless I feel it's safe if done right

    I was planning on continuing to naturally rebuild strength and size until next year and then taking half a year to go to Thailand or somewhere similar and getting everything over the counter at the Pharmacy, including the HGH as well as my PCT substances, and then coming back. I do not trust online sources either, but if anyone has any travel experience to cycle AAS/HGH/ETC that would be great!

    Basically, I don't want my Bone density/elongation/ETC, nor my rapid strength increase, to have a negative effect on the position of the Plate/Screws in my Arm and breaking, the Plate, Screws, or my Arm, or moving, fusing in the wrong place, or anything of the like...

    Please, let me know, thank you everyone!

  5. #5
    FeedYourHead's Avatar
    FeedYourHead is offline New Member
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    I have to start planning with or without more information than I have, Let me know community, thank you...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    You're young and bones heal pretty fast. I would think that your bones will go GTG in a couple of months. HGH is awesome as a healing aid. I've had shoulder injuries that would normally have taken a year to heal took only six months to be back to normal. You're a little young to be on HGH. Bones grow through load so I would wait until the bone has healed and start putting it through load. Light weight first and work up slowly. I can't imagine HGH making the screws fall out of your plate. Watch yourself as you get on AAS. You're gonna get strong, FAST! If your muscles get stronger than your bones can handle, you'll break 'em again. Take it slow and be patient would be my advice.

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