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  1. #1
    mikulas88 is offline Junior Member
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    Can insulin use lead to diabetes?

    Hi guys,

    How common is the link between bodybuilders useind Insulin and going on to develop diabetes as a result of this. More importantly does anyone have first hand expierence of this or know of it happening? Is this a realistic possibility or likely or perhaps just a possibility tainted with a bit of scaremongering or over exagerating? I dont know of it happening to anyone and have seen people cycle with it for years, some combining it with every steroid cycle for over 10 years, most with HGH cycles since that has become popular. However I am concearned with the link so any opinions or expierence would be helpfull.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Yes! Or death if not careful - if you go hypo and don't know what to do - diabetic coma may be right up your alley...
    Last edited by NACH3; 07-15-2015 at 09:42 AM.

  3. #3
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    There is no evidence (or logical reason to believe) that insulin use will negatively affect pancreatic beta cell (insulin) function.
    You may begin to develop insulin resistance if using large/frequent doses (type II diabetes mellitus), but all you have to do is take a break from it and you'll return to normal.
    Besides, steroids increase insulin sensitivity, so that will help to cancel out the aforementioned effect.

    I will warn that if you're already pre-diabetic, it would be best to use just enough slin to keep BGL low and not need a bunch of extra carbs, which could push your insulin resistance over the edge. But you probably don't need to worry about that unless you're middle aged and/or in exceptionally poor health.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 07-15-2015 at 09:34 AM.

  4. #4
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    There is no evidence (or logical reason to believe) that insulin use will negatively affect pancreatic beta cell (insulin) function.
    You may begin to develop insulin resistance if using large/frequent doses (type II diabetes mellitus), but all you have to do is take a break from it and you'll return to normal.
    Besides, steroids increase insulin sensitivity, so that will help to cancel out the aforementioned effect.

    I will warn that if you're already pre-diabetic, it would be best to use just enough slin to keep BGL low and not need a bunch of extra carbs, which could push your insulin resistance over the edge. But you probably don't need to worry about that unless you're middle aged and/or in exceptionally poor health.
    I get what your saying, but not fully... So, if someone is irresponsible(lacks the knowledge to run slin safely and effectively(10iu say) wouldn't it be a very dangerous game to play? And I'm just basing this off of people w/out the correct knowledge to run slin... They can most definitely end up in a diabetic coma or w/diabetes, correct?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    I get what your saying, but not fully... So, if someone is irresponsible(lacks the knowledge to run slin safely and effectively(10iu say) wouldn't it be a very dangerous game to play? And I'm just basing this off of people w/out the correct knowledge to run slin... They can most definitely end up in a diabetic coma or w/diabetes, correct?
    They could end up in a coma if they take insulin and forget to eat. But type II diabetes would only be a possibility if they are already pre-diabetic (or abuse the hell out of it for years without bothering to keep an eye on their fasted blood sugar as a baseline).

  6. #6
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    They could end up in a coma if they take insulin and forget to eat. But type II diabetes would only be a possibility if they are already pre-diabetic (or abuse the hell out of it for years without bothering to keep an eye on their fasted blood sugar as a baseline).
    Gotcha - Thumbs high for explaining further!

  7. #7
    bobtail is offline Associate Member
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    I see this on many forums and have to just call bullshit here. No, insulin abuse is NOT going to give you type II diabetes. My wife and a number of my friends are Type II diabetic mostly from being overweight, not exercising, and eating like shit.
    There are millions of people who cleaned up their act and CURED themselves of type II diabetes after being on insulin for YEARS! Every day for YEARS! Let me repeat: High doses of insulin multiple times a day for YEARS!!!!
    There is nothing akin to the HPTA axis involved with insulin production. Type II diabetes is caused by an insensitivity to insulin by the body. The pancreas still produces plenty but the body can't process it properly. In all truth, nobody really knows why but we do know the contributory factors, genetics being one of them.
    Your pancreas does not "shut down" when there is exogenous insulin. Especially the little bit you are going to be taking (and it better be just a little bit for safety sake).
    I didn't just pull this out my ass. I learned this from an endo who is an expert in type II diabetes. I have also run the stuff for years and, after having been off for a year or more, have an A1C in the 5s. At 58 years old! The A1C of a teenager!
    Read all the protocols on here and other places and be safe. You may get fat and then your A1C will go up but it has nothing to do with the slin. Except maybe that the stuff made you FAT!
    Now let the flaming begin.

  8. #8
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    Sure, insulin use is good for type II and maybe even pre-diabetics because they use just enough to maintain a normal BGL. But using large doses of insulin and chugging sugar IS going to increase insulin resistance. I'm not saying that insulin use (and associated carb loading) will cause type II diabetes in normal subjects, but that it could conceivably push someone predisposed to it over the edge.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 07-20-2015 at 11:40 AM.

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