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Thread: GHRP6 5MG DOSING ON 1ML pins? (please confirm)

  1. #1

    Question GHRP6 5MG DOSING ON 1ML pins? (please confirm)

    I have a 5mg GHRP6 im going to put 2.5ML of bact wat in it.

    I would like to have 3 doses of 100mcg per day.

    My slin pins are 1ML and they show 10-100 units.

    first tick is 10 so would that give me a dose of 100 mcg?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    10 units would be 200mcg because you have 2.5ml not 5ml in there, so 5 units is 100mcg.

  3. #3
    The first tick is 10 units it so I need to go half way?

    Ihave 1ml pin

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    There should be little ticks as well for each unit but if not then yes half way or ideally get .5ml pins.

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