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Thread: Hgh.

  1. #1
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I Am into bodybuilding. I am 48 years old and am looking for information on HGh. I have very little information and am trying to get educated.
    Can you take HGH while on AAS cycle?where can i find more information?
    I also would like to know if HGH will tighten the loose skin on my abs? I am approx 8% bodyfat (just finished a competion). As i dehydrate, the skin gets looserg. have tried radio frecuency ( suposedly heats up internal flesh and causes collagen to produce ) which has provided good results but does not tighten it completely to show off my abs.
    What do I need to know about HGH? I am sure that there is information available that i am missing where i can educate myself on this site.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    HGH's good stuff but it's not a miracle drug. The skin's elasticity depends on the collagen level. We lose collagen as we age. I'm 55 and I've been on HGH for 7 years and I still don't have any loose skin on my belly. I pretty much still look like my avatar. I don't know if HGH will tighten loose skin. You should get on HGH and write a post after 6 months or a year. I do know that it's prevented me from getting loose skin on my belly. As for RF treatment? I think it's all hog wash. It's too temporary IMO. The HGH is working from mitochondria level.

  3. #3
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Should i use HGH during my bulking or during my cutting? I was told that it works good for both. I am on a limited budget so i will not be able to go full boar on both.

  4. #4
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Is there anyone out there that can guide me?

  5. #5
    djgreen's Avatar
    djgreen is offline Senior Member
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    scotch gave you a good answer one thing I can add is GH is for the long term not for cycling so if you are on a budget then its not for you

  6. #6
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    DJ- thank you for the response.
    Just one last thing..... You mention long term....

    I was planning on taking it for 3-4 months prior to competition to get as big and lean as possible. Iknow that the common cycle is 5+ months. I also have to deal with the loose skin in the abs that i was told would help. I had RF last year which tightened it somewhat.

    I understood that HGH would begin to show results after 2 months. I was thinking that I would have some benefits for the competition.

    Based on the above details, is your answer still negative for me to use HGh?

    Thank you in advance. You are the expert and I will follow your recommendation. I may have been listening to the wrong crowd.

  7. #7
    djgreen's Avatar
    djgreen is offline Senior Member
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    not a GH expert but I have learned a lot over the years and on this site and people getting bad advise from friends is pretty common on here, so your in the right place to learn proper technique. im not sure about the loose skin thing I guess there is only one way to find out so give it a try and see, but when I say long term I mean years like scotch who has used it for 7 years and still doing it that is the ideal way to do it

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    If I had to choose taking HGH for cutting or bulking, I would choose cutting for sure. HGH is not good for bulking but it sure is good at keeping belly fat off the midriff.

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