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  1. #1
    Juice696 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Weights/ HGH & whey/ cardio (in that order)

    I lift for an hour. Then I immediately do 4iu HGH and a scoop of zero carb whey. Then I do 20 minutes of cardio. Then I go home and eat a real meal. Does this seem like I good order? It seems to make the most sense in my head.

    30yr male
    10% bf
    6' tall
    On test/tren /anavar /HGH/T4

  2. #2
    kenny3478's Avatar
    kenny3478 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    I do my HGH first thing 6am I train at 2pm for 1hr then I do 30min cardio straight after then my shake I don't really think it matters what order you do it it as long as it works for you.

    But I did read to do your HGH first thing and not to eat for 2hrs before your shot and 1hr after your shot.

  3. #3
    Juice696 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by kenny3478 View Post
    I do my HGH first thing 6am I train at 2pm for 1hr then I do 30min cardio straight after then my shake I don't really think it matters what order you do it it as long as it works for you.

    But I did read to do your HGH first thing and not to eat for 2hrs before your shot and 1hr after your shot.
    I always do my first shot at about 4-5am when I get up to pee. But I do my second shot post workout. I always give my complex carbs 2 hours to kick in before I lift so basically my second shot is 3 hours after food and 1 hour before food.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I've read a lot of different HGH regiments over the past number of years. I chose to pin first thing when I woke up 5iu/ed. My reasoning was that the natural growth hormone has the greatest pules when you're in REM sleep so I didn't want to pin before I went to bed and slow down the natural GH pulses. I can't take HGH during the day 'cause I'm constantly working. So I pinned as soon as I woke up before I prepared for the day. I've been on continuous 5iu/ed for the last 7 years and I'm still getting good results. Oh, 100mcg/ed of T4 along with the HGH is awesome at keeping belly fat away.

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