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  1. #1
    TaylorGains is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Generic HGH results or recommendations

    Hey guys this is my first post here. I would like to start running hgh soon but there are a lot of differences in opinions. I have been doing some research and found a few, interested in the brand called godtropin. Any personal experience or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. I am currently 24 6'2 and about 205 lbs with around 10-12% bodyfat. plan to run 5 days a week at 4ius a day.3 days on, 1 off , 2 days on, 1 off. Would start with a lower dose and work up. Just recently got out of military, have some nagging injuries I would like to heal up in addition to lowering bodyfat and "hyperplasia" . Anyways all I am doing is going to school and working out and wanted to give this a try.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    There are new HGH "brands" popping up all the time. HGH is probably the most faked substance out there. Anyway, you don't need HGH right now. Your body is producing a lot of it naturally, right now. Take advantage of it and train hard. The chances are high that godtropin is a fake and you'll be wasting your money.

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