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Thread: How long after carb meal to inject GH?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    How long after carb meal to inject GH?

    I understand you don't want to eat carbs for 2 hours post IM injection and 4 hours SQ. What I'm wondering is how long do you wait to inject GH after a carb rich meal? The reason I ask is I'm thinking of breaking 6 i.u's up between 5:00 am IM and either PW or before bed and need to know how long to wait after the last meal of the day, for instance. Seems with PW you'd damn near need to be using insulin in order not to screw up your diet.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    I understand you don't want to eat carbs for 2 hours post IM injection and 4 hours SQ. What I'm wondering is how long do you wait to inject GH after a carb rich meal? The reason I ask is I'm thinking of breaking 6 i.u's up between 5:00 am IM and either PW or before bed and need to know how long to wait after the last meal of the day, for instance. Seems with PW you'd damn near need to be using insulin in order not to screw up your diet.
    I've read somewhere that it doesn't matter when you take your gh shot,I can't remember where I read it but it's a myth you can't take your shot with food,I've been doing mine with food and no issues...if someone wants to chime in as to why I shouldn't fire away!

  3. #3
    You just have to wait about 45min to an hour after a meal to pin HGH. How long after a carb rich meal should you pin HGH? I took a blood sugar test with a diabetes strip and my blood sugar was back to normal in a couple of hours after a meal. Well, I don't exactly know when the blood sugar level came back to normal since I only took the blood sugar test 2 hours after my meal.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Thanks for the info. Been a couple of years since I did any GH. Need to make the most of this run.

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