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Thread: Going to be starting an HGH cycle

  1. #1
    PistolPete33's Avatar
    PistolPete33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Going to be starting an HGH cycle

    Scored some Pfizer HGH pens so I'm going to be running a 6-10 month cycle depending on results etc. My goal is to be ultra lean this summer and add a little bit of muscle as well. Here is what I'm planning:

    Weeks 1-3 2iu's per day
    Weeks 3-6 3iu's per day
    Weeks 7+ Prob. stay at 3 or 4ius per day depending on sides etc.

    The questions I have is should I do the 5 days on 2 days off or will it be better to do 7 days on? I was planning on doing the injections first thing in the morning. I typically wake up around 5am to go pee so I was thinking of doing it then and not eating until 7 or 7:30. I know HGH only spikes twice per day and some say to take it at night before bed but don't you have to do it on an empty stomach and not eat for a few hours after?

  2. #2
    Livinlean's Avatar
    Livinlean is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    7 days is the better route if finances allow for it. I eat an hour after my pin sometimes 1.5 hours and I take my HGH first thing in the morning.
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  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    I take mine at my 0300 piss call, or therabouts. Keep it in a little cooler next to the bed.
    Guys go 5 days only to save $$$. Exactly what LL said.
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    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  4. #4
    PistolPete33's Avatar
    PistolPete33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    What's a better option: Running 2iu's per day 7 days per week or running 3iu's per day for 5 days per week? Comes out almost exactly the same per month. I'm trying to get the best results without going too far over budget which is SUPER easy to do with HGH.

  5. #5
    tarmyg's Avatar
    tarmyg is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I am running 1.8IU ed and have had great benefits from it. Not muscle building quantities obviously.

  6. #6
    Marcus G's Avatar
    Marcus G is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    5 days on 2 off is more beneficial and you don't need to worry about eating carbs and Fats if it's synthetic gh

  7. #7
    Scorpion0922's Avatar
    Scorpion0922 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Love the pens!

    I run 2iu's M-F with weekends off....

    On fasted cardio days I pin 1st thing when I get up, the go do fasted cardio....

    On non cardio days I pin 20-30 minutes before my 1st meal....
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  8. #8
    mauler's Avatar
    mauler is offline Associate Member
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    Lucky man finding such good quality, used gh years ago and would love to try it again

  9. #9
    jstone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    There is a study that shows eod to be the best way to dose hgh. It showed that total weekly dose was more important than taking it daily. Also eod was supposed to help keep your natural gh pulse whereas daily messes with the natural pulse. I will see if I can find the study.

    this is the journal volume and pertinent info. I cant find the whole study but if you put this into Google you will find snippets of the study. Some of you may have access to the journal and be ae to read the entirety. It appears to be a good study.

    The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Vol. 87, No.8 3573-3577
    Last edited by jstone; 12-14-2016 at 11:08 PM.

  10. #10
    kaptainkeezy04's Avatar
    kaptainkeezy04 is offline Anabolic Member
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    5 on 2 off has been fine for me. I've run several cycles of the pharmacy grade stuff, but my sweet spot is 4 IU's. You don't need to take it for 7 months to get lean. If you've got real HGH, you will be lean in a couple of months, especially if you're on a cycle of test/tren /etc. If you can afford 7 days a week, absolutely do it.

    I always did 2 IU's when I wake up, and I avoid fats and carbs for an hour at least. Protein consumption in small levels is fine for me, though. I keep at 20 grams of protein or under for that first hour after an injection. My second injection of 2 IU's is right before the gym. So an hour after I eat, I'm parking my car at the gym and injecting 2 IU's in the parking lot, going in and working out for an hour, and then enough time has passed for me to take my carb/protein shake.

    6 months plus of HGH is unnecessary if you're just trying to lean out, but hey if you can afford it, power to you! But you will SEE noticeable results after 1 month, definitely after 2, and you will start feeling better after week 1. Mental state improves, muscles hard, great sleep, increased energy, etc. This is all dependent on your stuff being real pharmacy grade hgh, though.

  11. #11
    Jonbana is offline Member
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    why do you pin before a meal than eat about 1 hour after? is it because of the insulin release?

  12. #12
    kaptainkeezy04's Avatar
    kaptainkeezy04 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonbana View Post
    why do you pin before a meal than eat about 1 hour after? is it because of the insulin release?
    can't remember the exact science, but there is an explanation. I just remember feeling like shit when I ate within an hour of injection, before or after.

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