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Thread: To Peptide or not to Peptide

  1. #1

    To Peptide or not to Peptide

    Hey folks.

    Haven't posted in a long ass time. Long story short, most of my life been taking WAYYY to much shit without focusing on my diet.

    I got off everything to have a kid a year ago, and I've only been on HRT since then.

    I'm only take 200mg of Cyp prescribed by my doctor and I've never looked better in my life; granted, because now I finally counted calories and did everything by to the T. I even challengted myself to do a 90 days IIFYM diet doing high carb diet just to prove that I can and I lose 15lbs and no muscle.

    Right now I weight 200lb, I'm 5'11 and prob 13% bf, and I wondered to myself " What if I took more shit like I did back then now that I have my diet finally on point?"

    I recently discovered that some HRT clinics prescribed sermorelin to patients. My friend is getting some for him via this method. However, I just got my blood results back and my igf 1 was 292 ug/ml.

    Now I've run growth before, both generic and pharm, and when I look back at myself then, it certainly did what it was supposed to do being that I was totally lazy with nutrition and everything else. I was one of those idiots who thought more drugs the better, instead of focusing intensely on nutrition as I said.

    My wife doesn't want another kid any time soon so I have plenty of time to experiment. But I was going to start slowly; with just var or maybe IGF 1 at first, but I keep getting conflicting reports that its useless, or that SARMS are the new thing, that MK 677 is the best thing ever, etc. To me it sounds all hyped. I do have access to some Somatstim (Sciroxxi) IGF 1 DES or LR3, which I think I would try the DES first. I trust Sciroxx as they are one of the best UGL labs out there, but nothing compares to Pharm of course.

    A mistake I used to make (and I think most people make) was that I taking several compounds at once and not knowing which was doing what. So If i do decide to add more to gear on to m my HRT, I would do it one at a time and keep them at low dosages.

    So my question is this, if my IGF 1 levels are at 292 already, is there any point to get peptides? I was thinking maybe I should just run var, and then maybe even Tren (my body loves tren) at lower dosages now that I realize how important nutrition is.


  2. #2
    Peptides are hit or miss at best. I would probably steer clear of them. Pharma HGH is another story...

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    depends on where you get em brother.

    hey, how old are you? i'm just curious. i'm 33 and not on HRT, but thinking about it.

  4. #4
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    Many people here are iffy with peptides. I'm curious if it's more because they've never done them, or never done them much. As someone who's used GH off and on for over 10 years (mostly on), I love peptides! If you can get pharma GH and can afford to run it indefinitely, by all means do that. But if you plan to run 4ius or less, I would do peptides. I was one who bashed them when they started to catch on. I spent so much money on GH that I refused to believe they were even comparable. I was converted after about 9 straight months on them. While true GH is better (in my opinion),peptides are a close second. Very close. I've got lots of bloodwork on file to show both. I get the same effects but not quite as dramatic or as quickly. It depends really on what you're after. To mimic GH, a combination of a GHRP and a GHRH should be used for the most effects. GHRP 6 is the best appetite stimulant that I've ever experienced.

  5. #5
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    I'm on sermorelin and 200mg of test-c, for HRT. But, my IGF-1 was 92 and I have a history of cartilage not healing. If my IGF-1 was 292 I don't think I'd have cartilage and I also wouldn't be taking (or paying for) sermorelin.

  6. #6
    I'll be turning 33 in may

  7. #7
    Well I dont' want ot shut down my own body's GH, which is why I feel drawn to peptides.

    What makes sense form my research is combining Mod GRF 1-29 and GHRP 2 or 6.

    I just got done reading about MK 677 from various other boards which swear by it.

    I feel much of it is hype but Idk.

  8. #8
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    Mod grf and GHRP 2 if you're looking to tone things down. GHRP 6 if you want to bulk up. I'll never bulk without it again. You HAVE to eat after administering it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT1982 View Post
    Mod grf and GHRP 2 if you're looking to tone things down. GHRP 6 if you want to bulk up. I'll never bulk without it again. You HAVE to eat after administering it.
    I did a course of peptides a few years back and got great results. I lost bf and my sleep improved tremendously. To be honest after it was all done I felt I got what I was looking for. I didn't gain a bunch of weight but my body looked better and felt better. Some of this could be attributed to better rest and sleep. I felt it was worth it.

    PT is spot on about having to eat after you pin. My appetite was through the roof after pinning.

  10. #10
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    i used TB 500 for 3 months i think and my shoulder injury from years back improved tremendously. the pain did not return after i stopped using the drug either. i really think there was real permanent healing. just incredible.

  11. #11
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    If you do decide to use sermorellin, or something like it, ultimately, a GHRH +GHRP combination works better.
    GHRH = GH pulse
    GHRP = unlocking the peptide, somatostatin, which normally blocks the GH pulse.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by 600@50 View Post
    I did a course of peptides a few years back and got great results. I lost bf and my sleep improved tremendously. To be honest after it was all done I felt I got what I was looking for. I didn't gain a bunch of weight but my body looked better and felt better. Some of this could be attributed to better rest and sleep. I felt it was worth it.

    PT is spot on about having to eat after you pin. My appetite was through the roof after pinning.
    EXACTLY! Peptides are great for those with realistic expectations. Even people who do GH for the first time are often disappointed more times than not because they think they'll look like Phil Heath in a year. Pros don't even use it for that, yet people think GH is more beneficial than AAS for size. With peps, sleep is amazing, and overall sense of well being. GHRP 2, I get 0 appetite. GHRP 6, I HAVE to eat. It's not even an exaggeration. I'll go all hypo if not. It's unbelievable when using specifically for bulking. Especially if you're like me and have difficulty eating all day. I'll pin up to 6x daily when trying to add mass. It is incredible!

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by PT1982 View Post
    GHRP 2, I get 0 appetite. GHRP 6, I HAVE to eat. It's not even an exaggeration. I'll go all hypo if not. It's unbelievable when using specifically for bulking. Especially if you're like me and have difficulty eating all day. I'll pin up to 6x daily when trying to add mass. It is incredible!
    How the hell did you pin 6 times a day.. where were you pinning? i mean, didn't you run out of skin to pin?

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by leanmac View Post
    How the hell did you pin 6 times a day.. where were you pinning? i mean, didn't you run out of skin to pin?
    its not very difficult to do at all .. your just using a little insulin pin , you can pin almost anywhere. I've pinned the skin under my knee cap, biceps, front delts, belly etc.

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