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Id highly recommend a fast absorbing carb drink w/ similar type of protein shake (whey peptides, whey hydrolysate), along w/ either Humalog or Novolog, post work out.
You want nutrients to get into bloodstream as fast as possible when using quick acting insulin, not sitting in your stomach.
Insulin aspart takes effect in 10 min... you definitely don't want to risk going hypo while your pw/o meal is digesting.
This is not advice... But personally, immediately post w/o I take 5iu Novolog and a 2iu genotropin pin, along w/ 100g karbolyn (fast absorbing polysaccharide) and 50-60g of ultra low molecular weight whey peptides (pepto-pro, and bcaa peptides).
An hour later I have a clean meal (0 fat, boiled chicken, brown rice)... then proceed back to regular meals every 2.5-3hrs.
This has been working very well, w/ zero hypo incidents.