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Thread: Insulin pinning time question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.

    Insulin pinning time question

    I find my blood sugar needs a slight help while on 450-500 carbs a day. I eat most of my carbs (70%) in one sitting immediately after workout. I am looking when to pin

    0800 Walk and do stairs on way to gym for warm up.
    1025 Meal start
    1110 Meal finish

    I do not use a glucose refresh or shake during workout. I am dead spent at end of workout. When would you ideally do the shot to take advantage of the nutrient adsorption window? Do I need to bring my food to gym so as to streamline the shot and window coordination?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Well, it depends on the type of insulin.

    If you are using humalog (or other similar very fast slin) you should inject 5-10 minutes before a carb rich meal.

    Just don't understand why it takes you 45 minutes to finish a meal heheh, although its doesnt really matter.

  3. #3
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    Asia but not Asian.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Well, it depends on the type of insulin.

    If you are using humalog (or other similar very fast slin) you should inject 5-10 minutes before a carb rich meal.

    Just don't understand why it takes you 45 minutes to finish a meal heheh, although its doesnt really matter.
    Fast acting like Humalog. I eat 3500 calories for this meal. Last 20 minutes are force feeding....all doesnt want to fit with a kilo of chicken.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Poor digestion.... :/

    Why dont you break it in half, and eat it 2-3 hours later??

    Your digestive system has a limit on the amount of food it can process.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Poor digestion.... :/

    Why dont you break it in half, and eat it 2-3 hours later??

    Your digestive system has a limit on the amount of food it can process.
    Will do that. Have to start leaving the rice cooker on warm all day and preboil all my chicken in the am.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Chicagotarsier View Post

    I do not use a glucose refresh or shake during workout.
    Id highly recommend a fast absorbing carb drink w/ similar type of protein shake (whey peptides, whey hydrolysate), along w/ either Humalog or Novolog, post work out.

    You want nutrients to get into bloodstream as fast as possible when using quick acting insulin, not sitting in your stomach.

    Insulin aspart takes effect in 10 min... you definitely don't want to risk going hypo while your pw/o meal is digesting.

    This is not advice... But personally, immediately post w/o I take 5iu Novolog and a 2iu genotropin pin, along w/ 100g karbolyn (fast absorbing polysaccharide) and 50-60g of ultra low molecular weight whey peptides (pepto-pro, and bcaa peptides).

    An hour later I have a clean meal (0 fat, boiled chicken, brown rice)... then proceed back to regular meals every 2.5-3hrs.

    This has been working very well, w/ zero hypo incidents.

  7. #7
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by OG_Hoagie View Post
    Id highly recommend a fast absorbing carb drink w/ similar type of protein shake (whey peptides, whey hydrolysate), along w/ either Humalog or Novolog, post work out.

    You want nutrients to get into bloodstream as fast as possible when using quick acting insulin, not sitting in your stomach.

    Insulin aspart takes effect in 10 min... you definitely don't want to risk going hypo while your pw/o meal is digesting.

    This is not advice... But personally, immediately post w/o I take 5iu Novolog and a 2iu genotropin pin, along w/ 100g karbolyn (fast absorbing polysaccharide) and 50-60g of ultra low molecular weight whey peptides (pepto-pro, and bcaa peptides).

    An hour later I have a clean meal (0 fat, boiled chicken, brown rice)... then proceed back to regular meals every 2.5-3hrs.

    This has been working very well, w/ zero hypo incidents.
    Dont take the HGH together with insulin, insulin will block IGF-1 synthesis. Take it preworkout, or wait at least 30 minutes till you take insulin or eat.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Dont take the HGH together with insulin, insulin will block IGF-1 synthesis. Take it preworkout, or wait at least 30 minutes till you take insulin or eat.
    I've read this before.. and thought about it quite a bit. My reasoning for the sacrifice in a single igf increase is that igf1 increases are cumulative, over weeks of daily GH usage. So IMO, the cortisol blunting, fatty acid release, and possible "slin synergism" is worth it.

    Plus the fact that intense exercise produces a natural gh release, which also happens to be the best time to spike insulin w/ carbs post w/o. I don't know what to believe anymore lol. I read conflicting info on hgh dosing every day.

    And I very well may be wrong, as admittedly, hgh is not my strong point. I've only gotten my hands on pharma hgh in the last couple years and certainly have not mastered it. I have tried several protocols.. all in am, all b4 bed and split throughout. Honestly, have not noticed any difference.

    Currently using 6-8iu geno quick pens.. 2iu early am, 2iu post w/o w/ slin, and 2iu b4 bed. Sometimes I'll toss in 2iu pre w/o on larger muscle groups. Fat loss has been pretty amazing for me... I'm 42 and steadily creeping into lower single digit bf%.. while no loss in weight on scale and no change in diet. (Clean w/ carbs til 5pm w/o then no carb).

    I'm very much open to new suggestions...
    Last edited by OG_Hoagie; 05-29-2017 at 07:11 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.
    Thank you for all of this. I have always been anti-shake but getting the nutrients there asap I can accept and understand. I know it will take me a lot of work to get the timing down and not "F it up" so I am dropping back down to test only for the first HGH Insulin Bulk.

    Time to start some shake shopping. I think finding real and good powder here in China will be a crap roll.

    Thank you again.

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