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Thread: the right way to inject hgh?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    the right way to inject hgh?

    It is said that hgh is very fragile and it needs to be carefully mixed to the water. But what about injeting hgh? Do u have to inject it very slow or does it matter when considering hghs fragile nature? If i inject it too fast to subq can it denature it?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by carbman View Post
    It is said that hgh is very fragile and it needs to be carefully mixed to the water. But what about injeting hgh? Do u have to inject it very slow or does it matter when considering hghs fragile nature? If i inject it too fast to subq can it denature it?
    You can inject it slow or fast, it doesn't matter. While HGH is fragile, its not as fragile as once believed and once its mixed your good to go.

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