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Thread: Hgh / slin ratios

  1. #1

    First time hgh/ insulin

    So I've been doing a lot of reading and can't really find my exact question.
    So I'll be running hgh for the first time offseason, and will start at 2ui for a couple weeks then going to 4ui. Now I know that's a low dose.
    But how much insulin should I run on a lower dose of hgh.
    All I see is people running say 8-12ui hgh and 5-15ui of slin pwo.
    I was thinking I would also start with 2ui of insulin pwo, then up it to 5ui pwo.
    I've always started with lower doses.
    First cycle was test at 400mg a week.
    That was 5 years ago.
    Anyways , insulin and hgh masters chime in.

    ( no I can't afford 8-10ui of hgh a day so please don't post that suggestion)

    I've read so much in doing itnpre workout, post workout, and this and that.
    What's the simplest way to take it with having to shoot preworkout and have a shake and drink a shake during and then again after.

    I was thinking something 2ui morning of hgh and 4ui of slin. Then post workout do another 2ui of hgh and another 4ui slin.
    Up the slin to 6ish or so or 8ui if I'm not gaining too much fat.
    The more I read the more I see different ways to run so I'm getting tired of how complicated people are making it with you have to pin hgh first then slin , then people saying since it's humulin r you can do it at the same time etc. I'm over it.

    Sounds like the best and easiest wait to run it is what I just mentioned.
    I read basskillers and that shit is hella too much of an inconvenience. Anyone with a life can plan where you pin hgh 1 hour pwo the. Slin 30mins pwo, the post workout pin hgh then 15 mins later pin slin. Holy shit lol
    Last edited by mrlittleman; 09-12-2017 at 12:54 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.
    insulin injection depends on your body. On no HGH 10-15 units immediately after workout with a shake and then big meal within 30-minutes is great. This serves for nutrient uptake and promotes nitrogen balance.

    Part 2 is the tricky bit. HGH increases blood sugar levels significantly because it blocks insulin (antagonist). I usually wake (no hgh) with a 5-6 blood sugar level no matter my diet. This is with no insulin from injection. When taking 10iu HGH my waking blood sugar is 10-17. You need to monitor your blood sugar and see what dose works for you. I dose at night so blood sugar spikes in the AM and my workout energy is maximum. No need for a "during workout" glucose replenishing shake. Also no need for post workout glucose..just amino and nutrient shake. Less calories more fat loss.

    There is no reason to start at 2 and go to 4iu. 4iu is not insignificant but also not much in the scheme of things. 6-8iu is the sweet spot for a casual lifter to see fat loss and muscle gain.
    Last edited by Chicagotarsier; 09-17-2017 at 06:39 PM.

  3. #3
    Thanks for you info man. I will also be on gear.
    Test 750mg week
    Deca 375 week
    Adrol 50-75mg ed 2 on 2 off wk
    Also igf.
    In case you I don't know.
    I'll have to pin pre workout like mutants protocol cause I train after work at 5-7 so pinning at 7pm and going to be at 9-10 is a NO NO!
    Even pinning preworkout you don't think I shou have a infra shake with carbs? Maybe just a Gatorade one hand just in case?

  4. #4
    So today was my first gonwitb insulin and I'm a little confused. Insulin lowers your blood sugar correct???
    Wel today I woke up ate my breakfast or about 50 protein and 40 carbs.
    About an hour later I check my level it was 108 which is Normal 1 he after a meal.
    1 hour before my workout I pinned hgh, 15 min later my insulin. 5ui. Then 15 mins later I drank my shake of about 40 carbs and 50 protein. Had a Gatorade at the gym in case my bs dipped low. Never did but did take a few sips of that maybe 20 carbs worth. Then about 1.5 hours of training I check it again so I know how my body was handling the 5ui. Well it came back 108 again but then wiped blood away and texted again to be sure... 138?? Thinking wtf how can it be high since the point of insulin is to help lower blood sugar.... so I tested again and 140..... I'm kinda thinking wtf???
    So I drank my shake of 40 carbs and 50 protein.
    I'm about an hour I'll check again before I eat my solid meal....
    Anyone can Elaborate on that? I tried looking it up but only got diabetic forums so that doesn't really help

  5. #5
    Just checked it an hour post workout and was 85 then second time 90.....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.
    hgh raises blood sugar. Your pancreas may be able to handle the spike with your hgh dose. It might need more help from insulin. HgH, Cortisol, Epinephren all block insulin.

  7. #7
    Idk why I didn't think if that. Awesome. Tested this morning 112 which said pre diabetic but fasted only about 7 hours instead of 12 like your suppose to so I'm gonna try and see tomorrow fasting for 11-12 hours

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    new jersey
    Some from what I gather, you might always need to run insulin while on HGH? I'm planning on running 4 iu daily

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    Quote Originally Posted by AlterEdge78 View Post
    Some from what I gather, you might always need to run insulin while on HGH? I'm planning on running 4 iu daily
    absolutely NO.. monitoring your blood sugars yourself before getting on and adjusting as needed is the smart approach

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    new jersey
    Thanks for the advice brotha

  11. #11
    Very interesting posts!

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