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Thread: Cjc 1295 dac & ghrp 2

  1. #1
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    Cjc 1295 dac & ghrp 2

    I've done quite a bit of searching on the internet regarding this, most of the threads I've found on here are fairly dated.

    I have never used either of these, matter of fact I have never been down the peptide path at all before.

    34 yrs old
    240 lbs
    about 21% BF right now

    Few reasons for wanting to run this. I am currently suffering from 2 injuries. A 1st degree AC Joint Seperation that occurred on Sept 20 and seems to be dragging out. Also a slight hyperextension in my thumb on my left hand from catching a heavy clean a few weeks back. If I can see an increase in healing, that would be a huge bonus. I am also looking into dropping BF (obviously) I want to get down to 14% and run another cycle as its been years since I've cycled. I am aware that I can drop BF with diet and exercise and I will continue to diet effectively and train hard. I am extremely interested in the sleep benefits that come with this as well, however I have some level of confusion around the difference of sleep benefits that come from GHRP 2 and GHRP 6. As far as I can tell, the overall difference is just the hunger affect of GHRP 6, which obviously I am not interested in while looking to drop BF.

    My understanding of a cycle would be as follows:

    GHRP 2 - 150mcg twice a day, morning and evening
    2mg of CJC 1295 DAC once a weeks, however I swear I read somewhere that I should be splitting this up to twice a week injections and I thought I even read 2mg twice a week.

    Any information related to the cycle or overall input/experience in this area would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
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    if your not running an AAS cycle and using peptides to synergistically enhance that cycle and are just wanting some added 'growth hormone' benefits (healing, sleep, fat loss* etc..) , then I wouldn't go this route ,, I'd just run 25mg of MK-677 , dose split twice per day . you'll get all the benefits of a GH secretagouge without the hassle of having to time your pins with GHRP-2 (if you pin it at the wrong time you'll get no GH release and it will go to waste ... you have pin it with blood sugar levels and not just once at night once in morning).

    thats the easiest and most optimal thing for you to do considering your goal.

    however I have ran cjc and ghrps countless numbers of times (I even use them on top of running regular HGH as well).

    cjc1295 dac is benefical in the convenience dept in that you only have to pin it twice per week , BUT if your going to be pinning GHRP-6/2 up to 3x per day anyways , then you might as well go with cjc1295 NO Dac, and pin it with the GHRP at same time in same pin .. cjc1295 no dac is very synergestic with GHRP6 and together they will produce a two fold effect on the pituitary to release GH (you don't quite get this amplified effect when you use cjc1295 with dac, because its half life is too long and mechanism of action not direct enough)

    I'd say just go with MK677 for now .. then one day when you want to run an AAS cycle and mimic a HGH stack along with it then go with the cjc1295 NO dac with GHRP

    * even though GH can help with Lipolysis to a certain degree , its main 'fat burning' characteristic is more towards its blunting effect of fat storage .. meaning its best at keeping you from putting fat on, then it is at actually burning fat (this has to do with its role in glucose metabolism)
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-16-2017 at 08:39 PM.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    if your not running an AAS cycle and using peptides to synergistically enhance that cycle and are just wanting some added 'growth hormone' benefits (healing, sleep, fat loss* etc..) , then I wouldn't go this route ,, I'd just run 25mg of MK-677 , dose split twice per day . you'll get all the benefits of a GH secretagouge without the hassle of having to time your pins with GHRP-2 (if you pin it at the wrong time you'll get no GH release and it will go to waste ... you have pin it with blood sugar levels and not just once at night once in morning).

    thats the easiest and most optimal thing for you to do considering your goal.

    however I have ran cjc and ghrps countless numbers of times (I even use them on top of running regular HGH as well).

    cjc1295 dac is benefical in the convenience dept in that you only have to pin it twice per week , BUT if your going to be pinning GHRP-6/2 up to 3x per day anyways , then you might as well go with cjc1295 NO Dac, and pin it with the GHRP at same time in same pin .. cjc1295 no dac is very synergestic with GHRP6 and together they will produce a two fold effect on the pituitary to release GH (you don't quite get this amplified effect when you use cjc1295 with dac, because its half life is too long and mechanism of action not direct enough)

    I'd say just go with MK677 for now .. then one day when you want to run an AAS cycle and mimic a HGH stack along with it then go with the cjc1295 NO dac with GHRP

    * even though GH can help with Lipolysis to a certain degree , its main 'fat burning' characteristic is more towards its blunting effect of fat storage .. meaning its best at keeping you from putting fat on, then it is at actually burning fat (this has to do with its role in glucose metabolism)
    Thanks for taking the time to give such a detailed response. I had never even heard of MK-677. I've been away a while . I took the last 2 hours to do some research on it and I think I am going to go that way.

    I look forward to any other input from other though.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    Thanks for taking the time to give such a detailed response. I had never even heard of MK-677. I've been away a while . I took the last 2 hours to do some research on it and I think I am going to go that way.

    I look forward to any other input from other though.
    sure thing . yeah mk677 is the easiest way to go to get some of the benefits of GH.
    works best if dosed right before bed along with Melatonin .. if you want to double the dose take your other dose in the AM while fasted , again adding melatonin will help generate a better GH pulse

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