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  1. #1
    Painjunky's Avatar
    Painjunky is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2017

    Minimum hgh dosage for maximizing test cycle

    I have planned a test only cycle in about 10 weeks. Im concidering taking hgh begining now and running it for at least six months. Im 42 and dont plan on taking the hgh for big muscle growth . Most likely 1iu 5/2. Omnitrope from my pharmacy. I read here on how well hgh compliments aas when a cycle is introduced a few months in. My question is , will 1iu be sufficient enough to get that benefit or would I have to run more. If so would I run more just during the aas cycle or through out the entire hgh cycle. If more than 2iu is needed to give a boost to the test , I may rethink doing it at all. What do you think?
    Fyi all the gear is pharm including pct,ai, hcg ect...
    Aas protocal is exactly like the 1st cycle sticky on the forum.

  2. #2
    tarmyg's Avatar
    tarmyg is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I run 1.8iu for wellness and it works great. Not sure less than that is useful.

  3. #3
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    2iu pharma grade is all you need to get some beneficial effects plus enhance the synergism while on cycle. if you wanted to get even more amplified effects while on the AAS then you can add a GH secretagogue on top of the exogenous HGH, this will amplify your blood levels of GH serum without having to spend a shit ton more $ on Hgh

  4. #4
    Painjunky's Avatar
    Painjunky is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2017
    You have an opinion on a specific brand? Or are they mostly the same? Never thought of using that along with gh. Makes perfect sense though.

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