I have heard most users call MK-677 the “Fountain of Youth”. Why?
Why should I take MK instead of HGH?
I have heard most users call MK-677 the “Fountain of Youth”. Why?
Why should I take MK instead of HGH?
I take both. MK is not better then legit HGH though . the only "better" that MK has over exogenous HGH is that MK produces the purest form of HGH available, i.e., your own natural HGH. MK is a Ghrelin derived HGH secretagogue, all it does is help your pituitary produce more growth hormone . where as HGH is actual hormone you inject right into the blood stream at any dose you chose that can be much higher then you can produce naturally.
and no mk is not the "fountain of youth" its number one negative side effect is that it causes insulin resistance, turns you into a pre-diabetic, and raises your fasted blood sugars significantly (which can speed up the aging process and cause a host of other diseases and health problems).
also MK677 is NOT a Sarm . this thread should be in the HGH section
HGH is also an insulin agonist. Taking HGH before/after eating carbs increases the level of blood sugar. If you do this enough, you'll be a Type II diabetic.
No comparison what so ever HGH all the way if your looking for gains/ conditions/ health benefits and fat loss. You can't ramp up your natural hgh to any considerable amount to cause any great effects. The Pro's and amateurs I know wont touch these so called poor man's gh peps anymore for good reason. If your going to do it do it right and use pharm grade hgh and feel the benefits
Last edited by marcus300; 02-26-2018 at 03:28 AM.
I realize I’m replying to an old post, but in the event anyone subscribes to the thread wanted to weigh in on the MK 677. I got some from a very reputable peptide company complete with purity testing documentation (HPLC). For me, that stuff was not even doable. I started at a fairly high dose (50mg/d) and was so lethargic I couldn’t move for a couple of days. I dropped back to 12.5mg/d and still could not tolerate it. The lethargy was worse than anything I’ve ever experienced. I felt like I had taken about 6 Benadryl and it never subsided. I hung in there for about 2 wks and just bagged it. Last dose was a.m. day before yesterday and I am just now starting to feel normal. I took multiple naps, slept 10h, and ate everything in sight. WORST thing I have ever experienced in my life. I did legs last Friday and thought I was going to need CPR I was so fatigued and short of breath during the workout. FFS, if I ever even look at that stuff again shoot me. I have done GH and GHRP/CJC together and separate in the past and never got fatigued. I was doing enough to get significant carpal tunnel at night and still felt relatively good during the day. The MK 677 was not like that, and I didn’t get sides of carpal tunnel while using it. I did bloat so I looked not unlike Chris Farley - hoping that goes away soon too. Just my .02 in case anyone else experiences it. *shudder*
Trail, what kind of effects did you get from the cjc/ghrp combo? As far as positives i mean. Im possibly gonna end up with a month or two worth falling in my lap so figure i may as well make use of it. I get the idea that gh is obviously a better choice, but no way i got the coin right now to run it.
To be honest I don’t know. It was about 8-9 years ago and I was running a lot of other stuff on the cycle. I did get some carpal tunnel sides from it but hard to tell what else. I have some ghrp-2 and cjc on hand but after recent bout with MK 677 not sure I want to put anything other than good AAS or pharma grade GH (which I can’t afford) into my body. Personally I think STRICT diet and a dialed in routine can almost produce the same as GH/secretagogues unless you’re already there with diet (NO room for improvement). I also think the effects are subtle enough that it’s probably only appropriate for contest prep at this point and I don’t compete (until they add a love handle category in the over 50 class anyway).
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