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  • 1 Post By Eduke93

Thread: 2 different GH compounds

  1. #1
    lightitup's Avatar
    lightitup is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2014

    2 different GH compounds

    Just out of curiosty why do BB use two different sets of GH example like pharma grade gentropin and generic somatropin is it cheaper to do this or is there any synergetic effects to run like this ???

  2. #2
    Eduke93's Avatar
    Eduke93 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lightitup View Post
    Just out of curiosty why do BB use two different sets of GH example like pharma grade gentropin and generic somatropin is it cheaper to do this or is there any synergetic effects to run like this ???
    Well a lot of bodybuilders will only use pharma, the ones who don't have much money will use UG or both so they know they are at least getting their minimum dose from the pharma.

    But generally its purely a financial thing. 6 months of generic for £1000, pharma for 6 months would cost 3x times the amount.
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  3. #3
    lightitup's Avatar
    lightitup is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2014
    Yeh makes sense

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