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  1. #1
    Too-$mall's Avatar
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    Post Help with GDA, (glucose disposal agent,) cycle, and Schedule?

    I'm looking for guidance on how to use my Glucose disposal Agent. i already have a plan i just want to check it's legitimacy with the group.

    the plan is to finish my calories by 6pm and then allow the peptides to work.
    use the GDA,
    give my self a shot at 12am
    then again at 6am

    rinse and repeat.

    CJC 1295 with dac 600mcg once/week
    bpc 157 250 mcg / day
    ghrp 2 3X / day

    here is the schedule broken out

    CJC: every Sunday at 0900
    BPC: every day at 0600
    GHRP2: every day at 0600, 1900, and 0000 [taking this during the workday is impossible.]

    as a side note i'm taking this below. is this a serious cycle?

    125mg Test C / week [i would increase this and add in an AI + DA, but i don't have the DA at the moment]
    a little under 400mg Deca / week [i want to increase this to 500mg/week. that ok?
    Dbol taper method
    Week 1-4 - 50mg per day
    week 5-7 - 30mg per day
    week 8-10 - 20mg per day

    my calorie surplus is around 20% above TDEE. i'm 10.6%BF

    well Fudge. I should have added T4 from the beginning. grr.
    Last edited by Too-$mall; 01-13-2019 at 03:26 PM.

  2. #2
    Quester's Avatar
    Quester is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Why take the CJC once a week?
    Also, what is a glucose disposal agent?

  3. #3
    Too-$mall's Avatar
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    it dampens blood sugar when using CJC in combo with ghrp because that stuff elevates blood sugar fasting levels. the peptides basically dampens themselves. it's also not good to be hovering in pre-diabetes ranges.

    yes i heard that i should be taking the CJC twice a week. it's the kind with DAC so it lasts longer. fudge i feel like i look soo stupid asking these questions lol.

    can someone chime in. i don't think i have the knowledge to really answer this question, or my original question even.
    Last edited by Too-$mall; 01-15-2019 at 09:47 PM.

  4. #4
    Quester's Avatar
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    -Someone pointed me in the right direction and I came across something called AICAR. I think this is an example and it looks promising.
    -I'm not saying to take it, CJC, a certain number of times per week, take it at the exact same time that you take your GHRP-2. Or, I can't remember if it is the w/DAC or without DAC but, if you have the longer acting CJC perhaps it doesn't need to be taken at the same time but research this to make sure that they are overlapping.
    Last edited by Quester; 01-16-2019 at 09:10 PM.

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