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Thread: hgh for fat loss

  1. #1

    hgh for fat loss

    How long can hgh be run continuously? I see a lot of people saying that it needs to be run at least 6 months in order to reap the major benefits. Is there a cap to how long it can be run?

    Is a pct required, so to speak? Does injecting hgh stop the natural production of hgh and does it need to be jump started once the injections stop?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    the muscle building effects that HGH has takes about 6-9 months to come to fruition (satellite cell proliferation and generating new nuclei takes time) . BUT the fat loss effects are immediate. you don't need to run HGH for 6 months if your only after the lipolytic benefits. just use it during the duration of your cut (which I'm guessing is not going to be 6 months long)

    there is not PCT for GH .. its not suppressive to the HPTA.

    yes your natural production of HGH will begin to shut down over time as your IGF levels increase. there is a negative feed back loop between hepatic output of IGF and the Hypothalamus (which is the gland that produces GHRH, growth hormone releasing hormone).
    if your IGF levels are high, you will stop producing GHRH , and thus ultimately stop producing natty HGH.

    which is not a big deal. it restarts just fine just as soon as IGF levels drop back down to normal range

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    the muscle building effects that HGH has takes about 6-9 months to come to fruition (satellite cell proliferation and generating new nuclei takes time) . BUT the fat loss effects are immediate. you don't need to run HGH for 6 months if your only after the lipolytic benefits. just use it during the duration of your cut (which I'm guessing is not going to be 6 months long)

    there is not PCT for GH .. its not suppressive to the HPTA.

    yes your natural production of HGH will begin to shut down over time as your IGF levels increase. there is a negative feed back loop between hepatic output of IGF and the Hypothalamus (which is the gland that produces GHRH, growth hormone releasing hormone).
    if your IGF levels are high, you will stop producing GHRH , and thus ultimately stop producing natty HGH.

    which is not a big deal. it restarts just fine just as soon as IGF levels drop back down to normal range
    Thank you for the concise and super informative answer, gearheaded.

    What dosage would be optimal for fat loss?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    There's a list of other things that will deliver more bang for the buck when it comes to fat loss. Why HGH?

    2iu's per day is generally called a minimum for wellness and fat mobilization but unless you're 40+ years old your body is probably already producing about that naturally. For a younger guy or someone looking for a boost I'd double that at least.

    Here you'll find most people looking towards HGH for building purposes, doses in that case might be 10iu's per day and run for months. ($$$)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    You got amazing answers here.
    Unless you run HGH for 6+ months, I would say stick with what Ernst says.
    If you want to something cheaper, just run T4 + clen + mk677 stack with an anabolic like primo. Much cheaper than HGH and easier to find these stuff legit. You could change primo with something else to make it even cheaper, but I love damn primo..
    I guess you already have your diet in check, otherwise you would be basically cheating, these are drugs.

  6. #6
    I believe that it is reasonable in check. I sit at about 12% bf year round and would like to go sub 10% for spring after this winter bulk. I will probably reach 15% at the end of my bulk this winter and would like to shed it off fast

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    the muscle building effects that HGH has takes about 6-9 months to come to fruition (satellite cell proliferation and generating new nuclei takes time) . BUT the fat loss effects are immediate. you don't need to run HGH for 6 months if your only after the lipolytic benefits. just use it during the duration of your cut (which I'm guessing is not going to be 6 months long)

    there is not PCT for GH .. its not suppressive to the HPTA.

    yes your natural production of HGH will begin to shut down over time as your IGF levels increase. there is a negative feed back loop between hepatic output of IGF and the Hypothalamus (which is the gland that produces GHRH, growth hormone releasing hormone).
    if your IGF levels are high, you will stop producing GHRH , and thus ultimately stop producing natty HGH.

    which is not a big deal. it restarts just fine just as soon as IGF levels drop back down to normal range

    My IGF levels are consistently in the mid 300’s but I’ve never had clear visible abs unless I flex. Even with a good diet I hold on to water a lot. My face gets puffy from looking at salty or carby foods. It’s like I got jet fuel but my engine only takes diesel.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Brianwhite745 View Post
    How long can hgh be run continuously? I see a lot of people saying that it needs to be run at least 6 months in order to reap the major benefits. Is there a cap to how long it can be run?

    Is a pct required, so to speak? Does injecting hgh stop the natural production of hgh and does it need to be jump started once the injections stop?
    I notice results within 10-14 days of starting HGH (primarily fat loss, better sleep, skin, nails and hair) The longer you run it the better the results compound. Like anything its always good to take a break at some point. If I run it for 6 months, I will take a 2-3 month break and then resume.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Ashop View Post
    I notice results within 10-14 days of starting HGH (primarily fat loss, better sleep, skin, nails and hair) The longer you run it the better the results compound. Like anything its always good to take a break at some point. If I run it for 6 months, I will take a 2-3 month break and then resume.
    How much do you take daily for the fat loss? How many doses do you split them up into?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Brianwhite745 View Post
    How much do you take daily for the fat loss? How many doses do you split them up into?
    2-4 iu typically. I used to split it AM/PM but the AM dosages made me a little tired thru the day so now I take it about 2 hours prior to bed time.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by The God Himself View Post
    You got amazing answers here.
    Unless you run HGH for 6+ months, I would say stick with what Ernst says.
    If you want to something cheaper, just run T4 + clen + mk677 stack with an anabolic like primo. Much cheaper than HGH and easier to find these stuff legit. You could change primo with something else to make it even cheaper, but I love damn primo..
    I guess you already have your diet in check, otherwise you would be basically cheating, these are drugs.
    How does MK677 fit in to a cutting stack? Something I have been trying to figure out for a while.

    And would Anavar or Winstrol be better than primo for the anabolic?

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