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Thread: Has anyone ever developed malocclusion from Growth Hormone abuse?

  1. #1
    Herbert123 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2021

    Has anyone ever developed malocclusion from Growth Hormone abuse?

    Aka misaligned teeth, underbite, etc.?

  2. #2
    thisAngelBites's Avatar
    thisAngelBites is offline Knowledgeable Female Member
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    I have never heard of this, but I am not a GH expert.

    I would say that as people age, they tend to develop malocclusion and loss of bone of the maxilla and mandible which contributes to the malocclusion risks. The reason for this is thought to be the lack of proper biting force associated with the standard western diet. Since most food consumed in the western world is soft kids tend to have more malocclusion; hence the need for braces, and for extraction of permanent teeth to fit into smaller (undeveloped) jaws, and for older people, accelerated facial aging.

    I've seen people change their faces **dramatically** over the period of a couple of months by adding in lots of RAW veg (broccoli, cauli, green beans, asparagus) and chewing a lot at meals (this was a 60 year old who seriously looked 15 years younger in the face after a protocol like this). There are also dental appliances to mimic chewing forces, but I think there is a lot of potential harm in using one of these without expert guidance (a dentist that really knows this area and has a lot of experience who fits and frequently checks the appliance).

    This might sound like I am not answering your question, but it's my long way of saying malocclusion might well be due to things other than GH, and that even if it were the GH causing this problem, you might be able to mitigate it strongly with things like this.
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  3. #3
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    Have to be careful assigning a result to a reason. Insulin (blood sugar) is the number one reason for messed up teeth. I am sure you did not know this fact (I just learned of it last week).

    As far as physical changes to facial structure I have never seen test tren or HGH do this. I have seen peptides do this.

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