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Thread: thinkin bout adding long chain igf1 to cycle....NEED HELP

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    thinkin bout adding long chain igf1 to cycle....NEED HELP

    whats up everyone. i just started my next cycle last week:

    sust250 750mg/week 12weeks
    deca300 600mg/week 10weeks
    dbol 50mg 1st 4weeks
    insulin 15iu's post workout

    i have access to igf-1 r3 long chain an was thinking about adding this to my cycle for about 4 weeks, or whatever i can afford. ive read kiser soce's info on it which pretty much told me everything i would need to know. im just having a lil problem with conversion, not to mention that i would like everyones opinions on this....especially anyone who has tried it

    the IGF is sent suspended in sterile BA in 1mg parcels. Each mg is suspended in 2ml of Sterile BA. (500mcg/ml). im looking at getting 1mg to start with and doing 2 shots of 30mcg's a day. i will also be mixing the igf1 with antibacterial water because i heard it will fuck w/your skin. anybody have any idea how much id be drawing up to get 30mcg's???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    bump for a lil knowledge here

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    come on guys. somebodys gotta know something or have some type of advise.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    its pretty sad when theres a million replys to the hundreds of posts that take a simple search to find out the answer. like can i drink winny or what should i do for my first cycle but i post a question that i cant find anywhere an no one has any advise for me.

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