This compound does something no other compound does. It grows new muscle cells. All roids do is make our existing muscle cells bigger but they do not create new cells. I'm 6'0 190 lbs about 7-8% bf. I'd guess that i have about 100 lbs of muscle and the other 90lbs of other stuff. say that 100lbs of muscle is made up of 10 million cells. I take say 100 mcg IGF-1 LR3 per day. It is possible for me to have a really good reaction and it duplicate most if not all my muscle cells. Theoretically i could gain 100lbs of muscle from a cycle of IGF-1 LR3. I know there are side effects, but i've been looking around and i haven't seen one post about someones stomach growing 10x it's normal size. This to me is the best drug ever discoved.