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Thread: is igf-1 r3 activated with insulin like gh or does it not need insulin to work good

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    is igf-1 r3 activated with insulin like gh or does it not need insulin to work good

    i hear a lot of people talkin about gh and that it only works with insulin after a person has a base...would igf-1 r3 need insulin?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    GH nor IGF-1 NEED insulin, its just pretty much the best way to do it. If your gonna spend the money for GH or LR3IGF-1, you'd be rather stupid not to combine it with Insulin and/or Thyroid Hormones as theyre cheap and can make a HUGE difference.

    People use slin cause it shuttles protein and other nutrients into the muscle cells, and thyroid hormones enhance the bodies efficient use of the food you take in, allowing you to take in more protein and make better use from it. The combination of these two factors with GH or LR3IGF-1 will make a much larger impact than GH or LR3IGF-1 by itself (which is more for cutting purposes when used alone).

    GH/IGF-1 are capable of simultaneously burning fat and building muscle when combined with the right factors.

    Why wouldnt you use slin with either is my question to you. Slins dangers are highly overexaggerated as are GH and IGF-1's side effects. To many ill-informed people passing off paranoid theories as facts.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Foxy Sphinx
    GH nor IGF-1 NEED insulin, its just pretty much the best way to do it. If your gonna spend the money for GH or LR3IGF-1, you'd be rather stupid not to combine it with Insulin and/or Thyroid Hormones as theyre cheap and can make a HUGE difference.

    People use slin cause it shuttles protein and other nutrients into the muscle cells, and thyroid hormones enhance the bodies efficient use of the food you take in, allowing you to take in more protein and make better use from it. The combination of these two factors with GH or LR3IGF-1 will make a much larger impact than GH or LR3IGF-1 by itself (which is more for cutting purposes when used alone).

    GH/IGF-1 are capable of simultaneously burning fat and building muscle when combined with the right factors.

    Why wouldnt you use slin with either is my question to you. Slins dangers are highly overexaggerated as are GH and IGF-1's side effects. To many ill-informed people passing off paranoid theories as facts.
    I agree with most everything you said about combining insulin with gh or igf-1, but i don't think people are overexaggerating the dangers of slin.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Houston, Texas
    No you do not need to take insulin with Long R3 IGF... But it would help the IGF stay active longer ...Be careful with slin, i have had some scares with hypoglacemia...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Also it should be said that IGF-1 greatly increases insulin sensitivity so any exogenous insulin is not needed at all. When used, the results will be increased however it will greatly increase the danger of going hypo.
    Last edited by bdtr; 11-03-2003 at 12:15 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    The only danger in using slin, is being ill-informed.

    Id hope no one would start with a slin dose of say 10 iu a day, as thatd be as wise as pointing a loaded gun at your face.

    If you start low enough, your perfectly safe pyramiding up, unless you completely ignore the signs of hypoglycemia. If you dont know wut the signs of hypoglycemia are, then you need not consider Insulin till you do.

    BDTR is right about the sensitivity, which is why even if you've used slin previously, you should start very low (no more than 4iu), as you will definetly require less to acheive the same effect.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    thanx if i decide to start using the insulin, i start at 2iu and bump it up by 2iu everyday? where do i stop bumping it? would the short acting slin be a danger if taken after the work out with alot of carbs and would it matter if those carbs r sugar? o and is insulin in any way assoiciated with hair loss?
    thanx alot guys i appreciate it

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I would use IGF-1 and slin at the same time, if it's your first go at either one. Use the IGF-1 first to see if you react to it, some see no results, others great results. Try slin on it's own so you'll know how your body reacts to it. After that if you want to combine them go a head.

    Like bdtr said IGF-1 increases insulin sensitivity, because of that I wouldn't run the 2 together before trying each one separately.

    T-3 can also work against HGH, I can't remember all the details but Nandi wrote an article on T-3 and mentioned this. I'll look for it.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    This is from the article by Nandi12

    " What may not be an effective strategy to maintain muscle mass during a T3 cycle is the use of exogenous growth hormone (GH). Studies have shown that when GH and T3 are administered concurrently, the increased nitrogen retention normally associated with GH use is abolished. This has been attributed to the observation that T3 increases levels of insulin like growth factor binding protein, reducing the bioavailability of igf-1 (14). Nevertheless, GH has fat burning properties independent of igf-1, so using GH with T3 would act additively to speed fat burning, but with little if any preservation of lean body mass. So again, if GH is used in conjunction with T3, anabolic steroid/prohormone use would be indicated. "


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