<Mods: not sure where best to place this thread... I opted to place it in the question section because of the number of queries about IGF-1. By all means, move it if need be>
> Height: 5' 10"
> Weight: 202
> BF: 10%
> 3 months since last AAS cycle.
> Taking 50mg clomid ED. (I am experiencing some hypogondism from my last cycle and will continue the clomid until my next AAS cycle. I will be starting HCG as soon as I get it in, about two weeks.)
I will only be running IGF-1 LR3 at 40mcg ED (bi-lateral injections of 20 mcg) for 25 consecutive days.
Day 1:
8:40 am - IGF-1 Injection:
Had some problems, the amount of the draw is so small that it is tricky. I drew in 20 mcg and could not seem to get the air bubble out of the way to inject. I decided to draw in some BW, 40 mcg. When I drew in the BW, the IGF-1 foamed with a ton of tiny bubbles. My guess is that part of this reaction was due to the fact that the IGF-1 was kept in the freezer and the BW was room temp. I now have the BW in the fridge for future draws. After injecting into tricep, I drew in another 60 mcg of BW and inject that into the same tricep. (The idea behind this is to get any residual IGF-1 that may have been left in the syringe or needle)
10:00 am - Workout - Chest and Triceps:
I did not notice anything with my warm up. However, after the second set of bench press, I went to the restroom to take a leak. I looked in the mirror, and the pump I had was the equivalent to the pump I only get at the END of my work out. I have never had a pump like this after the second set.
I went back out to the guys, and they even noticed without me saying a word.
This is where is gets strange. I wasn't able to do my normal routine of sets/reps/weight. The first few sets all came out fine, with great pumps. But when I went to lift the heavier sets, there was no 'oompf'. It wasn't that my muscles were numb, it was like they had no energy. What is strange is that I felt full of energy. So, for my entire workout, the first sets were standard, the last sets below my normal range. The pump I got from the workout was one of the best pumps I have ever had, yet I felt guilty that I couldn't put up my normal range. It was strange.
12:00 noon - IGF-1 Injection - 20 mcg in opposite tricep.
3:00 pm -
I am extremely nauseous - I felt like throwing up but did not (at least not yet!), have a slight headache and am much more tired than I usually am at this time of day. My hunger is almost non-existant because of the nausea. I am having to force protein down, preferably in the form of a shake.
<I will be taking measurements of body parts (chest, arms, waist, hips, thighs, calves) but am too nauseous to do it now. >
5:00 pm -
Still tired, even after I drank 16 oz of coffee. Still have nausea, not as bad though.
Summary of Day 1:
I have no doubt that the IGF-1 LR3 is having some type of effect on my body. However, I am not willing to conceed that all of the above was due to the IGF-1 at this point. I will draw my conclusion at the end of the 25 days based on the metrics I am employing (which are not perfect metrics by any stretch of the imagination, but they will at least give me some idea if IGF-1 run solo is worth it.). I must emphasize that the IGF-1 is having some effect OR I am getting the flu. There is definitely something going on. We will see.