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Thread: IGF-1: Use during non-training days?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    N. Cali

    Question IGF-1: Use during non-training days?

    A few questions for you guys running or have run IGF-1 LR3... (Solrock and others)
    1. Do you use it everyday even days you don't train?
    1a. How many days a week did you train?
    2. Assuming you do, do you administer at the same time as you normally would, or do you work it in around your meals?
    3. Most seem to be using slightly lower doses and getting good results (around 40 to 50 mcg per day divided up). Those that have used these lower doses, would you go up for your next cycle, and if so how much? Why?
    4. Did you feel the need for any pct?

    Looking to my first cyc of it in late jan, early feb so tryin to get specific. I've done lots of searches, but haven't found this info.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    N. Cali
    bump for some info...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    N. Cali
    I thought we had lots of igf users here... have these questions already been asked? I DID search, but most of the info was dosage, sides, and results based info, not training info...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    I'll be brief in answering
    2.same doseage,same time of day in between a spread out meal.
    3 60mcg for me so this Q leaves me out
    4. No

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    N. Cali
    tanx for the info DB; brief is all I need!

  6. #6
    Hey rococo,

    Sorry for the delay in response, I was out of town for the holidays.

    I ran it just like Da Bull.

    1.Yes, every day. Remeber that muscle growth occurs when we are resting and sleeping. So days off are actually the greatest days of growth.
    1a.5 days a week
    2.same doseage, roughly the same time for injection splits.
    3 40mcg - I got great results with just 40 mcg a day (2 injects of 20 mcg each). Next cycle I will bump it up to 60 mcg. For the first run of it though, I would keep it at 40 mcg a day. This way you can get a good feel for what it is doing to your body. Just my humble opinion. There are changes in your body during a month long course of IGF-1 LR3 (as noted in my journal). If it were me, I would want to know what is going on before I start taking larger doses. I also liked running the IGF-1 solo, so I could see and feel clearly what it was doing to me. I like to stay informed about my body. Next time I run it, I will include AS.

    4. No, there is absolutely no need for PCT. IGF-1 does not affect the hpta.

    When do you start your IGF cycle rococo?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    N. Cali
    I'm about to start my clomid and will probably wait about a month, so looking at maybe mid Feb. Will go IGF solo to keep tabs on the inner workings of the bod... gonna do the lower doses 20 twice/day, but just wanted to get an idea of all your training regimens so I can try to match for the best results. I'm normally about 4 days a week, but might bump it up for the 3+ weeks I'm on IGF.
    Thanks for the input guys!

    Anybody else's input?

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