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Thread: Igf administration

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Igf administration

    I looked in the education forum and although there is a great thread on IGF 1 long r3 they do not talk about administration. I am wondering which is better, taking it subcanteanous like slin and gh, or intermuscular, like AAS, I have heard of people doing both methods and I was wondering if one is better then the other. Also, where is the best site to inject it? I am probably going to do subQ injects unless I hear different in this thread, but I'm not sure where, I was thinking the abdominal area like insulin/hgh but I wanted to be sure. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Go IM, do sopt injections.


  3. #3
    Swellin Guest
    D*mn it! I thought I had this figured out. Several, other credible folks said to go Johnny B says to go IM....what do I do? He's quite credible too!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by swellin
    D*mn it! I thought I had this figured out. Several, other credible folks said to go Johnny B says to go IM....what do I do? He's quite credible too!
    There are IGF-1 receprors all over the place. You are, I'm assuming, taking IGF-1 to increase lean mass.You have a huge concentration of IGF receptors on your intestinal epithelia. If you go subQ, the IGF becomes systemic via your vascular system and will bind to receptors all over and cause growth (oversimplified). Lots will bind to IGF receptors on muscle, which is good. Some will bind to intestinal receptors or receptors on your spleen, which isn't what you're looking for. Going IM just focuses things and reduces possible adverse effects. This doesn't mean you'll get growth gut if you shoot subQ, but at high doses and over time, it will increase your chances.

  5. #5
    Swellin Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    There are IGF-1 receprors all over the place. You are, I'm assuming, taking IGF-1 to increase lean mass.You have a huge concentration of IGF receptors on your intestinal epithelia. If you go subQ, the IGF becomes systemic via your vascular system and will bind to receptors all over and cause growth (oversimplified). Lots will bind to IGF receptors on muscle, which is good. Some will bind to intestinal receptors or receptors on your spleen, which isn't what you're looking for. Going IM just focuses things and reduces possible adverse effects. This doesn't mean you'll get growth gut if you shoot subQ, but at high doses and over time, it will increase your chances.
    I have read several of your posts, and you seem to have it this one looks like one hell of an explanation to me! Granted, it is somewhat oversimplified...but if this is inded the! Thanks!

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