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Thread: splitting up Hgh

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    sin city

    splitting up Hgh

    alright guys i have a bottle of hgh it contains 600iu in one bottle. its about the size of a 100ml vial. i know its legit and everything but there is no way in hell i could use it all before it went bad so how should i go about splitting it up into smaller vials i was thinking like 60iu in each bottle and that would be 20 mg. should i just open up the vial and weigh the stuff out and put it in another one or what. please help i dont want to screw up.


  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by TestFreak
    alright guys i have a bottle of hgh it contains 600iu in one bottle. its about the size of a 100ml vial. i know its legit and everything but there is no way in hell i could use it all before it went bad so how should i go about splitting it up into smaller vials i was thinking like 60iu in each bottle and that would be 20 mg. should i just open up the vial and weigh the stuff out and put it in another one or what. please help i dont want to screw up.

    60 IU/vial sounds good, then freeze the vials you're not using. Repeated freeze/thaws are bad, but just 1x freeze/thaw won't be a big deal. Even if you had access to a shielded microgram capable balance, I'd still just resuspend it all and freeze aliquots rather than risk losing any or inaccuracy during weighing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    sin city
    are you sure it is okay to freeze it once

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    sin city
    also how much water should i add to that bottle and then how much should i pull out to equeal 60/iu

  5. #5
    you could reconstitute it at the concentration at which you'll be using it, 18 IU/mL. So, for 600 IU, you'd resuspend in 33.33mLs. Don't take this to mean your GH will be degraded while frozen at this concentration, but it's advisable to freeze/store at the most concentrated for optimal preservation. I don't think this matters, especially since you'll only be thawing each vial once. However, if you want to resuspend in 1/3 the volume and then freeze, you can just add the additional 2/3 volume upon thawing each vial. I wouldn't worry about it though.
    If you resuspend at 18IU/mL, it'll be .25mL/4.5 IU.
    I assume you'll be using a slin pin, so every 5.5 tics on the slin pin will be 1 IU of GH.
    When you resuspend it, do so very gently, just by swirling

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    sin city
    thanks bro your a genius

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    sin city
    does anyone else have an opinion of freezing the hgh. how bad will it hurt it

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