Is insulin legal to buy otc in California? In some states it is without a stript. Also, I've done my research on it but I want to know from the people who have used it what they experienced when on insulin. Good or bad.
Is insulin legal to buy otc in California? In some states it is without a stript. Also, I've done my research on it but I want to know from the people who have used it what they experienced when on insulin. Good or bad.
i have never heared of it being legal to buy without a script......./???
I have bought it without a script, my expirences have been well. Makes a good bridge as well.
I got all my information about insulin on basskilleronline and the author mentioned the availability of insulin otc. Need to know if I can get it here in California or am I going to have to go down to TJ and do some sightseeing.
I just told the guy at the pharmacy I was a diabetic and didn't have insurance..Seems a bit cheesy, bit it worked. I'm not sure in Cali. but I can't see it being illegal, but ya never know.
For humalog you will need a script when purchasing in the US according to the article but for humulin R you don't. Thing is I need to know if humulin R is available without a stript in California.
Thanks for all the replies, I can always count on the brethern at AR.
Mahalo whiteykauai. Sounds like you've got some experience with the slin. What kinds of results did you get while on it?
Humalin R is available everywhere in the US without a script to my knowledge, and works great for what you want it for. Humalog can be a bit much for some people, as it "hits" you really fast, and can be more of a rush than Humalin R which tends to be a little littel less harsh.
I've used both, and didn't like the intense feeling of the Humalog. I prefer the Humalin R for its smoother "hit", that doesn't come on as fast or leave as fast. Other than that, there's really no difference between the two.
If you haven't read it yet, I suggest reading the insulin.txt thread in the educational forum.
call the pharmacist and ask, it can't hurt, then get a sweet lookin' girl to go get it. I'm still on the R, but only 10iu's on training days, gained a bit of fat but that was to be expected. replaces pump of AS which is nice to have when not cycling. all in all i've gained a bit of weight but haven't gone real heavy. good stuff.
same here bro. 10 iu postworkout 60g protein, 60g simple sugars and 30 complex carbs 1 hour later 60g protein, 80-100g complex carb low fat meal. not bad. i was doin 20 iu but man fat found my ass like a heatseeker but u get a really good pump. IMO best 2 use on cycle not off cuz the anabolic effect wasnt that great.
Like was posted above, the longer window of activity of R means a longer period you need to avoid fats. Humalog has a well defined activity window...because of that, I think it's better. Canadian pharmacies are online and ship to the US, by the way. No script necessary for humalog in Canada.
if I can't post that, please remove it.
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