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Thread: MAX slin dosage

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO

    MAX slin dosage

    What's the maximum iu's of slin you have taken before breakfast or post workout? And what type?

    I'm using Humalog at 10iu's before breakfast and 10iu's post workout...Don't think it's cutting it though!...Blood Glucose is still kind of high 3-4 hours after administration...soooo I'm either going to up the slin to 15iu's or take in fewer carbs (simple)...Opinions Please!!!

    Post workout I'm consuming 12g Creatine, 76g Dextrose, 5g Glutamine...I take this 15min after the slin shot...then within 1 hr I take in an MBF shake...42g protien, 84g carbs. BG is at around 5mmol before the shot and it rises to 7.6 mmol within the hour and then 8.3 mmol within the 2 hr mark. When My BG is at the high 7's to 8's I feel sleepy, so I'd like to keep it around the 5-6mmol mark but that takes about 5 hours at this rate...The 10iu's I'm taking now has already got my weight up 4lbs in 2 days, but I don't feel that full yet?

    Any advice???
    Last edited by Mallet; 02-09-2004 at 07:45 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Galveston Texas
    Just bump it up one IU at a time until you find out how much you can handle. There's no set number as there is wide variability in insulin sensitivity.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    Ya I'll up the dose gradually!

    Any more input...


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I would def ramp up 1 at a time you dont know 12 might be the magic number for you, take it slow. Jump'n right to 15 might be dangerous imo

  5. #5
    Instead or in addition to raising each dose, if you're using just humalog, you may try 10+ IUs 3x per day. Obviously avoiding any of the shots near bedtime. The only problem with this is having roughly 12 hours per day during which you need to run from fats. If you space everything out just right, it should work out well...assume 4 hr windows of activity to be safe.

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