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Thread: The Growth Hormone mystery.

  1. #1

    The Growth Hormone mystery.

    Im thinking about using growth and need to hear from others that have used it. What are major drawbacks? Is it true it will make me taller? I've heard that using small doses is the key. Is this true or not. By the way I have used other things like fina, sust, deca, prop, ect. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Roy E. Munson
    Im thinking about using growth and need to hear from others that have used it. What are major drawbacks? Is it true it will make me taller? I've heard that using small doses is the key. Is this true or not. By the way I have used other things like fina, sust, deca, prop, ect. Thanks.
    how old are you?
    cycle experience, stats, etc?

    unless you're a teenager, it will not make you taller

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