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Thread: IGF-1 genetics

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    IGF-1 genetics

    I have heard that one can use IGF-1 to change their genetics. Now I am wondering if this means that if I have short biceps and I site inject IGF-1 into them that over time I can change the shape of my biceps? Or does it simply mean that you can increase the number of muscle cells in your body with little effect on the overall shape of your muscle.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I think it means increase number of cells (hyperplasia)

  3. #3
    It depends on how localized the expression would be. If you injected something like a plasmid expressing IGF-1 right into the bicep peak, the expression of IGF-1 would be concentrated, but not limited to, the injection site, and the recruitment of satellite cells would mainly occur at that site. I.e. you'd get more growth at that site.
    The studies you're alluding to are using viral-mediated delivery, which will give a more diffuse/expansive expression of IGF-1 well beyond the site of injection. Using this method, the growth would be much more uniform.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    So could IGF be used for a lagging muscle? I have heard that anything it touches grows, so could you in theory use it for site injections? hmmm....

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Sparkle
    So could IGF be used for a lagging muscle? I have heard that anything it touches grows, so could you in theory use it for site injections? hmmm....
    Yeah, if you're using IGF-1, you should be shooting IM. It will have its predominant effect on the muscle injected. It has recently been proposed that systemic IGF-1 (from the liver or exogenous) does not access the muscle well. Also, animals transgenically overexpressing IGF-1 in skeletal muscle DO NOT show increased plasma IGF-1 levels, but do show that neighboring muscle cells that are not expressing IGF-1 are affected by IGF-1 secreted by the overexpressing cells. This means that IGF-1 in the muscle is secreted from individual myotubes but DOES NOT escape the whole individual muscle itself and become systemic. This means there is some barrier which prohibits the transport of IGF-1 to or from muscle. This is a big argument FOR site-specific IM injections with IGF-1.

    It's thought that GH's effect on muscle growth is the GH binding to GH receptors on muscle and inducing local expression of IGF-1 within the muscles.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    they pretty much mean if you have bad genetics when it comes to putting on mass this can help you.

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