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Thread: Growth Hormone Need some Help Please

  1. #1

    Growth Hormone Need some Help Please

    about to run some growth whats the best to run with it i have some primobolan is that good or is test or deca better please help im about 6ft 220 14percent body fat been running stuff for a while now going to be taking between 2 to 4 ius a day what dosage of the other stuff should i take thanks for the help!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    how old are ya?

  3. #3
    31 Sorry

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I'm ending a 20 weeker of hgh and test. worked wonders for me, I did it for my multiple injuries and now I feel great. I would say run test with it but start the test 2 weeks before you start the hgh. Based on my experience test and hgh are the way to go.

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