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Thread: Few questions about Insulin...

  1. #1

    Question Few questions about Insulin...

    I have been reading alot about insulin lateley but here are a few questions I´m still not sure about...

    Sorry my bad english...

    1. When doing a cycle on insulin 4weeks and 4 weeks off is it then 4 weeks on again and how long do you go for one cycle?

    2. Most I read is stacking Insulin with gh or igf-1 is that a must or would it be enough to run it with Test/Fina and ECA stack?

    3. How long does it take to start seeing gains? And is the gains keepable?

    4. Is the gains dramatic increase in muscle mass or is it just a slow gainer that should be used for a long period of time?

    I have been reading alot in the educational forums and on other sites too but I´m not sure about these questions so please don´t flame me and tell me to do more research...

  2. #2
    I´m probably not gonna use insulin now but I plan on doing it later, I´m just trying to get some knowlegde...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    1.Insulin should be run for no more then 4 weeks at a time because you can become insulin dependent.

    2.Insulin is run with GH to increase the efficiency of the GH and protein synthesis.

    3. Gains come in 3-7 days

    4.Quiet dramatic, not anadrol dramatic but lean hard gains.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    By the way, stay away from insulin for as long as you can, it can create the worst side effects in the smallest amount of time.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    I run slin with and without gear and GH.

    4 weeks is a basic can certainly run for longer periods of time. You'll notice a weight gain almost instantly...slin is a glucose (and nutrient for that matter) disposal agent, the only time you will benefit from slin though is when your in a glycogen defecit, or depleted, from either exercise or fasting (after 8 hrs sleep) to much slin however will simply make you fat so dosing is critical. Slin can be run alone or stacked with AAS and especially with GH because GH is an antagonist to slin. The intake of SIMPLE CARBS and TIMING is very important while administering slin...and MONITORING your BG levels, guessing is FOOLISH IMO. Alot of peopl think the reason todays bodybuilders are so much bigger is because of GH...I think it's because of INSULIN personally.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Roniie has his a personal nutritionist, trainer, and Dr. that dont mind keeping everything on the DL. Slin is very dagerous without close monitoring.

  7. #7

    Thumbs up

    And my questions have been answered...

    Thanks alot bro´s!

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