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Thread: GH in my next cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    GH in my next cycle

    I was planning running another test/eq cycle for my next one 2 months from now. I have access to gh and slin for good prices, I can get gh for 65 cents per unit and slin at 15 a bottle. I also have acces to test and eq for reasonable prices. I want was thinking about running a cycle like this:

    400mg eq wks1-14
    250mg test wks 1-13
    Im not sure about gh doses or the slin. Can anyone with gh experience suggest good dosages.My stats are 24 yrs old, 5'11" 180 lbs 10%. I was looking to lean out some more in my gut with the gh while establishing some small but keepable gains.

    pct wk 16

    I know the test dosages are a low, but I liked the way my body has responded to the lower doses in the past. Any input would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    How many cycles have you run before in the past?

    I think the vets only advise doing GH if you are a pro. Otherwise, stick to good ole AS. I'd say up the dosages a little and run another bulking cycle and put on some weight, since at 5'11 and 180--you have plenty of room to grow. If you want to cut up, then run a cutting cycle (duh...just call me captain obvious).

    Just my two cents, although I'm a dumb newbie myself.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    yeah, I've only run once cycle before, I'm mostly looking to cut the fat off my stomach with lower doses of gh. My buddy is running gh and slin and is getting sick results from it. Im not really looking to get massively huge, but I want to build leam mass and increase my strength for fighting. I was just considering it because of the price I can get it for.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    Their are better fat burners than GH...and alot cheaper! and cardio come to mind!...I never saw the fat burning effects while i was on GH, I looked more bloated from the water retention, and I was stacking it with fina and prop, as soon as i dropped the GH the fat began to dissappear!

  5. #5
    the test looks alittle out to me...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Yeah, your running 400mg of EQ, but only 250mg of TEST? I also don't like that. Though you don't have to run your test higher with EQ (like DECA), you should definitely try and run them the same. Now, GH and Slin. If you don't have experience with Slin, you better be careful. If you don't know what your doing, it could lead to death. Now, with all that said, if your only run a 2 month cycle, and you being only 24, I wouldn't waste the $$ with GH. GH need to be run for a minimum of 3 months (though I say you should run it for a minimum of 6). And if you want GH to get lean, don't waste your money. Your body right now is running an all time high of natural GH, so again, why waste that? I've been on GH for 9 months. I have taken it without a cycle and I'm taking while on my cycle. I have to say I'm NOT impressed with it in terms of my cycle. I am only taking 3iu's ED. I truly believe in order for it to work in a cycle, you have to run over 4iu's. But at that dose, I couldn't take the sides.

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