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Thread: Taking Growth without T-3

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Question Taking Growth without T-3

    Many people that I have spoken to that have used growth alone say that they shed alot of body fat without ever taking
    Cytomel T-3 .

    But I find this very confusing because I have read several articles and posts from good sources such as Anabolic
    Review forums,,and Anabolics 2004. Which all say that growth hormone slows down your thyriod and they
    strongly recommend using T/3 in conjunction with g.h. How is it possible that these can people say that g.h. burns
    bodyfat when it in fact slows down your thyriod???

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Rilla
    Many people that I have spoken to that have used growth alone say that they shed alot of body fat without ever taking
    Cytomel T-3 .

    But I find this very confusing because I have read several articles and posts from good sources such as Anabolic
    Review forums,,and Anabolics 2004. Which all say that growth hormone slows down your thyriod and they
    strongly recommend using T/3 in conjunction with g.h. How is it possible that these can people say that g.h. burns
    bodyfat when it in fact slows down your thyriod???
    Different mechanisms

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Rilla
    Many people that I have spoken to that have used growth alone say that they shed alot of body fat without ever taking
    Cytomel T-3 .

    But I find this very confusing because I have read several articles and posts from good sources such as Anabolic
    Review forums,,and Anabolics 2004. Which all say that growth hormone slows down your thyriod and they
    strongly recommend using T/3 in conjunction with g.h. How is it possible that these can people say that g.h. burns
    bodyfat when it in fact slows down your thyriod???
    That's what I'd like to know!...I personally didn't see the fat burning effects last time I did GH...and I wasn't using t3.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Yeah Bro - I have always heard to take them together

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    Different mechanisms
    GH literally binds to GH receptors on adipocytes and causes release of free fatty acids. GH also slows down conversion of T4 to T3. T3 effects on metabolism are completely independent of GH's effects on direct FFA release. The two together will simply be additive but not synergistic.

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