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Thread: HGH Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    HGH Question

    To start things off I must say I am not considering using HGH or any AAS for that matter as I am only 19 years old, this is simply a post of personal interest.

    I have been reading many studies that HGH taken at lower concentrations (3-4ius) can be beneficial for teenagers. I read that if at 19, a perfectly normal human male in good shape could benefit greatly from a HGH cycle of say, 6 months. Now what I am having trouble finding is all the negatives (apart from sides in the HGH post in educational forum). What would happen to a 19 year old male if he took a 3-4iu dose of HGH for 6 months or so?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by whiteykauai
    short term, you will probably be problem free, the long term effects have never been researched so its hard to say what will happen, obviously you are considering growth because you have asked this question
    Nah I am really not I promise, I have to choose a subject for an anatomy class presentation and I was considering HGH effects on teens.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by pumped99
    Nah I am really not I promise, I have to choose a subject for an anatomy class presentation and I was considering HGH effects on teens.
    To be completely honest, there isn't really any sides of GH that would be specific to teens. This is no way an endorsement for someone of 19 to use GH, as the potential of irreversible sides are very real, however rare they may be. I feel that someone in their late teens is not fully in tune with their body at this age, since they have or are still physically maturing. So, the sides of GH may not be as easily recognized compared to someone who has had their fully-matured body for a number of years. GH can be so unpredictable, with such a range of effects on different people. Roughly 60-75% of people married at the age of 19 get divorced....this tells me that most people at 19 who think they know what they want, really don't. Don't do something that has the potential to change your life forever unless you can be positive that the results will be something you want to live with forever....good OR bad.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    So what would be the effects of 3-4ius HGH/day on a healthy 19 year old male? Give me everything, this really is for a report. What I have found so far is increase in height, width, overall muscle mass, bone density, skin tightening and increased replenishment of skin cells, growth of internal organs, growth of extremities (hands, feet), as well as the adverse effects listed in the HGH study on this website.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by pumped99
    So what would be the effects of 3-4ius HGH/day on a healthy 19 year old male? Give me everything, this really is for a report. What I have found so far is increase in height, width, overall muscle mass, bone density, skin tightening and increased replenishment of skin cells, growth of internal organs, growth of extremities (hands, feet), as well as the adverse effects listed in the HGH study on this website.
    You've listed most of the major sides. The potential to greatly speed up any type of cancerous growth is important IMO. Potential reduction of conversion of T4 to T3 (though I'm not sold on that for sure). Some people have reported having their wisdom teeth come in shortly after starting GH. Shifting of your teeth, in general. Carpal tunnel-like pain is very common, as is numbness in the extremeties. headaches for some. There's a book by bengsston called "Growth Hormone" that has lots of clinical studies of longer term, high dose GH use. There's lots of info in there if you are really interested. There were mentions of a number of people dropping out of the studies after 2 months because the sides started outweighing the benefits. Keep in mind these were sedentary people not in it for its anabolic properties.
    If you're in a city with a med school, go to their library, and there should be several good books on solely GH.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    City of Angels
    I would say that if you're concidering using it.... DO IT! I always wondered what a person with a 3rd arm would look like! hehe.. no really though it would be kinda interesting to see... maybe when I have kids I can "administer" some GH to them if all goes well..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH
    I would say that if you're concidering using it.... DO IT! I always wondered what a person with a 3rd arm would look like! hehe.. no really though it would be kinda interesting to see... maybe when I have kids I can "administer" some GH to them if all goes well..

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