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Thread: Think of doing GH

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    New York

    Thinking of doing GH

    Hey what up? Im 23 5'10" 196 lbs and want to cut up for the summer. I was thinking of doing GH. I have been doing research and trying to find out as much information about it, god or bad. Thank you
    Last edited by Essy; 03-17-2004 at 02:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Essy
    Hey what up? Im 23 5'10" 196 lbs and want to cut up for the summer. I was thinking of doing GH. I have been doing research and trying to find out as much information about it, god or bad. Thank you
    it is an expensive route to take, especially if you are only running it for fat loss.

    i would use your money on T3, clenbuterol, and ECA stack.

    you will save a ton of money and they will get you the results you need without the hassles and cost associated with GH.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    If your going to take it to cut up, there are a lot cheaper routes to take.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Boise, Idaho
    not that benefitial to a 23 year old imo. i agree w/ daem, t3/clen/eca and you will lose much more fat in a faster amount of time.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    New York
    I liked the fact that I can still gain muscle and weight while cutting fat. I also liked that you keep everything that you gain and cut. Im scared that if I cut down with out the GH I will look to skinny. I also dont want to suppress my appetite which I read clenbuterol does. What is ECA and T3?

    Quote Originally Posted by daem
    it is an expensive route to take, especially if you are only running it for fat loss.

    i would use your money on T3, clenbuterol, and ECA stack.

    you will save a ton of money and they will get you the results you need without the hassles and cost associated with GH.
    Last edited by Essy; 03-17-2004 at 10:14 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    New York
    Why is it not that benefitial to a 23 year old?

    Quote Originally Posted by dizzle
    not that benefitial to a 23 year old imo. i agree w/ daem, t3/clen/eca and you will lose much more fat in a faster amount of time.

  7. #7
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    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Essy
    I liked the fact that I can still gain muscle and weight while cutting fat. I also liked that you keep everything that you gain and cut. Im scared that if I cut down with out the GH I will look to skinny.
    to expound, you can gain muscle and weight while cutting if you were to properly run insulin alongside it. GH will lower insulin levels, which is why you get such a good fat burning effect from running it and not gain fat while putting on muscle.

    second, as a 23yr old you won't get the same effects as someone 35 years old because you are still secreting more GH than he is. while you may have already went through puberty, your hormones are still close to their peak naturally. you can take advantage of the GH secretion by using AS if you want to put on size while cutting fat.

    you have many long hours of research ahead because you are missing some of the pieces of the puzzle.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    To young, save your $$$

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    New York
    Im looking for information, "to young save your $$$" doesnt help me. Thank you

    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    To young, save your $$$

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    New York
    Thats what im dong here. Looking to fill the puzzle. I also was looking in to GH because I have gyno. I figured I could use less AS if I take Gh. I heard insulin is really bad for you? So say I took 3 IU's every day for 2 months, cycled it with some AS. Would I see any results? You really think I will see the same results from AS?

    Quote Originally Posted by daem
    to expound, you can gain muscle and weight while cutting if you were to properly run insulin alongside it. GH will lower insulin levels, which is why you get such a good fat burning effect from running it and not gain fat while putting on muscle.

    second, as a 23yr old you won't get the same effects as someone 35 years old because you are still secreting more GH than he is. while you may have already went through puberty, your hormones are still close to their peak naturally. you can take advantage of the GH secretion by using AS if you want to put on size while cutting fat.

    you have many long hours of research ahead because you are missing some of the pieces of the puzzle.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Essy
    Im looking for information, "to young save your $$$" doesnt help me. Thank you
    as a respected member of AR, blt has ran GH for the last 9 months, as his recent post discusses.

    if someone that has 9 months experience with a dosage you want to run tells you that you are too young and to save your money, why wouldn't you listen?

    respect those around here that have more experience than you, especially those who have experience running what you want to do.

  12. #12
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    New York
    Because I want to know why? Some one of my friends I look upto in respect to boudybuilding at least has done it and loved it. I also know alot of people who are going to strart within the months. So some one just telling me not to do it, im to young doesnt help me with my decision without giving some good reasons. I do want to thank everyone for there opinion so far. So did you run the GH with AS or did you do it alone.

    QUOTE=daem]as a respected member of AR, blt has ran GH for the last 9 months, as his recent post discusses.

    if someone that has 9 months experience with a dosage you want to run tells you that you are too young and to save your money, why wouldn't you listen?

    respect those around here that have more experience than you, especially those who have experience running what you want to do.[/QUOTE]
    Last edited by Essy; 03-17-2004 at 10:52 AM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    hey bro might as well save your money man... you could easily get an eight week cycle, T3, and clen for less than the GH.... also if you're worried about gyno take the arimidex and nolva and you should have nothing to worry about (it could, and i emphasize could, help reduce what gyno you already have.. depending on how bad it is) also the gains on AS are very easily kept as long as you have proper PCT and diet... and by running the t3 and clen with it you should lose noticeable amounts of weight while keeping and perhpas even adding more muscle...

    im not sure w/ you cycling experience but i know a prop/fina cycle is known for very lean gains and people often time while on a cycle like that drop b/f... so with the addition of T# and clen you def should lose weight...

  14. #14
    Look Essy, perhaps I'm no expert in the field, but I've been visiting this board for a long time now and have done a lot of research. The reason why the bros here tell you that you're too young is because of the following:

    Human Growth Hormone is a natural hormone your pituitary gland produces every single day. This hormone promotes the growth of organs, muscle tissue, smooth skin and bone growth. When you are a kid, tons of Hgh are produced and that's the reason why you grow so much during this time. HGH estimulates the production of IGF-1, which is the true responsible of advanced cell growth. When you reach 18 ++, your body produces less and less HGH, to the point that you won't get any taller or see the benefits you got from it when you were young. At this time, you are 23, and have medium HGH levels in your body. The buddies are trying to tell you that you should wait till you are 25-30 at least to do it, mainly because of the fact that HGH is so ****ing expensive that you will be dissapointed by its results at this time.

    I will say this, if you take HGH now, you will see very good results, but not as good as if you were older. If you have the CASH, then go ahead and try it, if you're short of money or just have the exact money to run a half-attempt then DON'T do it. You will lose loads of money and with dissapointing results.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Essy
    Because I want to know why? Some one of my friends I look upto in respect to boudybuilding at least has done it and loved it. I also know alot of people who are going to strart within the months. So some one just telling me not to do it, im to young doesnt help me with my decision without giving some good reasons. I do want to thank everyone for there opinion so far. So did you run the GH with AS or did you do it alone.

    QUOTE=daem]as a respected member of AR, blt has ran GH for the last 9 months, as his recent post discusses.

    if someone that has 9 months experience with a dosage you want to run tells you that you are too young and to save your money, why wouldn't you listen?

    respect those around here that have more experience than you, especially those who have experience running what you want to do.
    You want to know why? DAEM already told you why. because at your age, your body is producing a **** load of GH. It's not worth the money doing it at your age. Most of the benefits GH gives you, you already have vs someone who's in their 30's.
    Last edited by buylongterm; 03-17-2004 at 11:11 AM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    New York
    Whats T3? Whats PCT? I have read that clen. suppresses ur appetite is that true? Ya I was thinking of stacking fina/winny/prop and EQ. Then I decided to maybe go the GH way instead. But im starting to rethink it now. Im off my cycle now. Im taking nolva to hopefully help with the gyno. I dont think its really doing anything. Maybe stopping it from getting worste and the itching. Do you really think arimadex will help or would be a waste of money and I should wait till my next cycle and use it just to prevent more gyno?

    Quote Originally Posted by magicstick2003
    hey bro might as well save your money man... you could easily get an eight week cycle, T3, and clen for less than the GH.... also if you're worried about gyno take the arimidex and nolva and you should have nothing to worry about (it could, and i emphasize could, help reduce what gyno you already have.. depending on how bad it is) also the gains on AS are very easily kept as long as you have proper PCT and diet... and by running the t3 and clen with it you should lose noticeable amounts of weight while keeping and perhpas even adding more muscle...

    im not sure w/ you cycling experience but i know a prop/fina cycle is known for very lean gains and people often time while on a cycle like that drop b/f... so with the addition of T# and clen you def should lose weight...

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    city of brotherly love
    you sound as if you have no idea what you want to do but i'll tell you this,any of the drugs you listed are not miricle drugs,without proper training,eating,cardio and rest you'll just be pissing good money away for nothing and possably fu ckin yourself up for good.your comments about running nolva now after a cycle tells me you have no friggin idea what you are dealing with here.go do some research,seriously before you hurt yourself

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    How much Nolva are you taking? PCT="Post cycle thearpy" consisting of CLOMID!!!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    New York
    Oh thank you..I was taking 40 mg and then for the last 2 weeks I upped it to 60 mg

    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    How much Nolva are you taking? PCT="Post cycle thearpy" consisting of CLOMID!!!
    Last edited by Essy; 03-17-2004 at 01:19 PM.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Boise, Idaho
    There are a good amount of side effects that go along with GH. I'm on my 6 month and I will tell you that I have gotten wrist pains everyday from it. Including water retention/swelling in my hands. Sometimes in the mornings, it's hard to make a fist because of it. I wouldn't say the fat loss is amazing. I can easily gain fat if i f up my diet and eat pizza. i would research t3 in the educational forums and the drug profiles if you want to lose fat.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    New York
    Ya im starting to think maybe Gh isnt the way to also heard you shouldnt run it for less then 3 months. Thats starting to get real expensive. If anyone still has any suggestion on stuff I can take I would still greaty appreciate. Thank you everyone for ur replies.

  22. #22
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    Oct 2003
    HGH are expensive as hell and i am talking about the good schittt, and even if you get them at price half off on a black market there are MAJOR risks involved with its quality. On the black market majority of the cadavers used are from undeveloped nations that experience major epidemics of various diseases. If u've researched enough about HGH u know how the story will end with you using them. I'd be very cautious when it comes to hgh and from where they come from or made. Sometimes saving money is not a good thing. just my two cents on the topic.

  23. #23
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    New York
    I know exaclty what I want. I train hard and im still trying to get my diet right. I must be doing something right I gained about 45 lbs this year. I am trying to do research, Y do u think im here. I never really heard of Nolva anti estrogens till recently and def. should of did more research on it before I started.

    Quote Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
    you sound as if you have no idea what you want to do but i'll tell you this,any of the drugs you listed are not miricle drugs,without proper training,eating,cardio and rest you'll just be pissing good money away for nothing and possably fu ckin yourself up for good.your comments about running nolva now after a cycle tells me you have no friggin idea what you are dealing with here.go do some research,seriously before you hurt yourself
    Last edited by Essy; 03-17-2004 at 01:55 PM.

  24. #24
    They haven't harvested GH from cadavers in years. It's all recombinant, grown in bacteria, these days.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sage
    HGH are expensive as hell and i am talking about the good schittt, and even if you get them at price half off on a black market there are MAJOR risks involved with its quality. On the black market majority of the cadavers used are from undeveloped nations that experience major epidemics of various diseases. If u've researched enough about HGH u know how the story will end with you using them. I'd be very cautious when it comes to hgh and from where they come from or made. Sometimes saving money is not a good thing. just my two cents on the topic.
    Last edited by einstein1905; 03-17-2004 at 02:58 PM.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Strong Island, NY
    Gh is made only in Labs now. And it is very expensive, like $1,500 a month expensive.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    New York
    Ya my man can get it for me he said if I took 3-4IU's it would last me a month and cost from $350 - $425 per kit. But thats still not what I want to spend. Thats not including juice. Ya I think Im going to stick to juice. That much money I would rather keep saving and get my nipples

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnDoe1234
    Gh is made only in Labs now. And it is very expensive, like $1,500 a month expensive.

  27. #27
    is there any benefitial for a 38 yr old guy?

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I would run winny and clen...JMO

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by REM
    is there any benefitial for a 38 yr old guy?
    Tons of benefits, depending on what you would want it for. A small dose of GH ED would help with your mental well being (mood), better skin tone, strengthing of tendons, fat loss,etc.....

    Remember, the older we get, the less our bodies produce GH.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Stay away unless you are looking to compete. Also, t3 is a pre-contest drug. It will get you ripped to the bone, however, you are 23 and time is on your side. If your body becomes dependant on t3 to survive you will suffer a long frustrating life. Try an ECA stack and more cardio....lots of cardio. As long as you maintain your protein intake and watch your "fake calories" you will cut up. Peace

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