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Thread: whos used glucophage with gh??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass

    whos used glucophage with gh??

    I would like to know who has tried this out, me and a friend are thinking of adding some in to the current gh cycle, which we both agree, does absolutely nothing for us. I have used gh a few times from a few sources currently using jintropin had to cut the dosage down from 4iu to about 2 at the moment as just got cts after about 10 weeks on, my sole purpose of using it is to cut fat, however i dont think myself it does that at all. imho way overated, just wondered if glucophage would help? anyone?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    glucophage will do nothin for u ,specially i furinterested in cutting,besides the sides associated with glucophaqge suck ,ur will be spending half of ur day on the toilet ,if ur getting ct ,slowly move up the ius like every few weeks ,move up a iu ,it does go away most of the time ,the only thing i can really suggest is running t3 in there ,if ur set on running glucophage ,get avandia instead works much better ,abd has very little to no sides .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I like avandia better. Glucophage helps regulate live glucose where avandia and actos help the receptor cells in the muscle so insulin can be put the glucose there. It great for insulin resistance. it takes 4-8 weeks to see anything.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    already running t3, did 6 months on last year with chinabases gh, i would say it was a total waist of money. at least i know with jintropin getting cts its real!!. thanks for the info guys


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