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Thread: hgh and chiro care / bone growth

  1. #1

    hgh and chiro care / bone growth

    i have a very slight spine curvature that does not give me any problems
    but im afrain in my later years it could

    my chiro said its minor and was caught to late to correct

    im in my 30's with probly at least 20 cycles under my belt and now considering hgh

    but my question is there enough bone growth in a 4 month cycle
    of hgh at 6-8 iu to try and correct this curvature in this time frame

    i realize this question is only looking for opinions unless there happens to be a member who is a chiropractor who uses gh

    but what you bros think

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    it may help, IMO i think it will aggravate it to start off with, i had very bad bone pains in my wrist and shoulders from week 3-4. they have subsided now but i do get them occasionally. i also got carpel's for a bit but lowered my dose from 4iu a day to 2ui for a week, that seemed to do the trick. i back up to 4 now, into week 10. don't rate HGH personally, apart from a sense of wellbeing that's about it. if anything i think it's held me back due to the bone pains not allowing me to go heavy. anyway that's my .02 worth!


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