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Thread: thoughts on once-a-day GH injections

  1. #1

    thoughts on once-a-day GH injections

    The usual protocol for GH injections is 2x ED, equally divided doses, AM and PM.

    I inject 2iu AM and 2iu PM. Wouldn't my overall GH, total exogenous and endogenous, be greater if I only did AM injections? One injection of GH a day would only interrupt my natural Gh production once, as opposed to twice.

    Any thoughts or experiences would be appreciated. Thanks

  2. #2
    I've thought a lot about this too lately. I'd love to hear what others think too.
    I've convinced myself that an injection of GH will suppress 1 MAYBE 2 endogenous GH pulses/releases. During the day, the amount of GH released per pulse is pretty insignificant relative to the exogenous GH we're taking in. Subsequent to shooting the GH, there will be increases in IGF-1 levels, which are also relatively short-lived. I've convinced myself that having 2 periods of significant IGF-1 level boosts in addition to a lesser but still substantial GH--> IGF-1 boost during sleep is better than shooting just 1x daily and gaining an extra fraction of an IU of GH.
    Please chime in with thoughts/opinions

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I agree with You. I believe that the amount of GH that is released naturally in your sleep in miniscule and not even worth working around.

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