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  1. #1
    CarbonCopy's Avatar
    CarbonCopy is offline Member
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    Gh for the avg user?

    Hey guys I am coming up on 29 yrs old and as I start to come closer to the big 30 mark I will really be thinking about using GH for general health and well being. Would you guys say that using gh for that reason is safe, or does it carry too many risks to use for those reasons alone? I'd try to use it in 6 month cycles, with few breaks. I'd just hate to take it if it would cause more harm then good. What do you all think? Thanks.

    Last edited by CarbonCopy; 03-26-2004 at 05:39 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    If you were looking at taking it for the reasons mentioned, I would expect you would be happy with a dose of 2 maybe 3 IU/day. Many will notice the sides to be dose-dependent and find that dropping dosage by even 1IU can make a significant difference in alleviating sides. 2IUs is a pretty reasonable dose. Keep in mind that the range of sides experienced by users vary quite a bit from person to person.

  3. #3
    lwgy's Avatar
    lwgy is offline Junior Member
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    what type of health and well being issues are you concerned with? im not sure if HGH is a good preventive measure for someone your age. i would suggest getting your natural HGH levels tested. if they are not low then a low dose of exogenous HGH probably will not do much for you except thin out your wallet.

  4. #4
    CarbonCopy's Avatar
    CarbonCopy is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lwgy
    what type of health and well being issues are you concerned with? im not sure if HGH is a good preventive measure for someone your age. i would suggest getting your natural HGH levels tested. if they are not low then a low dose of exogenous HGH probably will not do much for you except thin out your wallet.

    Well my goals would be to keep my engery levels high, and to stay lean and healthy looking. Lower my bf% and to just give me a good sense of well-being. I suffer from mild depression and my engery level is crap a lot of times. I have thought about getting all my hormone levels tested just to see where I stand. And that is something I will be doing in the very near future. I just wanted to bouce the idea off you guys that are using it and have been for awhile now to see what you thought.



  5. #5
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    the hGH might help in the emotional area, but it is an expensive route to go especially if you only want to drop a few pounds.

    i don't know what your experience with anti-depressants looks like, however i know several who have benefitted greatly with different ADs like wellbutrin or paxil.

    the GH might be a viable route, but it really isn't meant to improve a chemical imbalance. you will see imrpovements in mood at 2iu/day though.

    personally, i think that if you ran enanthate or cypionate @ 200mg/wk for a year you would not only save a fortune, but get those extra benefits you seek like improved mood and no new deposits of fat.

    i would talk to johnnyb as he will have numerous beneficial tidbits to throw your way.

  6. #6
    CarbonCopy's Avatar
    CarbonCopy is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by daem
    the hGH might help in the emotional area, but it is an expensive route to go especially if you only want to drop a few pounds.

    i don't know what your experience with anti-depressants looks like, however i know several who have benefitted greatly with different ADs like wellbutrin or paxil.

    the GH might be a viable route, but it really isn't meant to improve a chemical imbalance. you will see imrpovements in mood at 2iu/day though.

    personally, i think that if you ran enanthate or cypionate @ 200mg/wk for a year you would not only save a fortune, but get those extra benefits you seek like improved mood and no new deposits of fat.

    i would talk to johnnyb as he will have numerous beneficial tidbits to throw your way.


    Thanks a lot bro! I have used wellbutrin and zoloft to treat my depression. I switched from zoloft to wellbutrin about 6 months ago due to the bad side effets that zoloft was giving me. Mainly the fact I had ZERO sex drive while using zoloft, and in fact, really had little interest in even trying to get laid. It really sucked! Then I switched to wellbutrin, and wow what a difference it made! I wanted to get laid all the time. The only thing is, wellbutrin doesn't seem to work as well for me in terms of making me feel "better" then what the zoloft did. Depression really sucks and it is one of the worst things I think people can have. The worst part about depression is the fact it is hard for other people to understand what you are going through and dealing with. I know I have lost a lot of friends because of this illness. It just strips your mind and body of any desire to do much of anything. At this point I am looking for anything that is going to make me feel normal again and maybe give me back some of the desire that I use to have. Thanks for your help.



  7. #7
    johnjohn26 is offline Junior Member
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    Doesnt test make you irritable, and overly aggressive, as opposed to giving you a general sense of well-being?

    Quote Originally Posted by daem
    the hGH might help in the emotional area, but it is an expensive route to go especially if you only want to drop a few pounds.

    i don't know what your experience with anti-depressants looks like, however i know several who have benefitted greatly with different ADs like wellbutrin or paxil.

    the GH might be a viable route, but it really isn't meant to improve a chemical imbalance. you will see imrpovements in mood at 2iu/day though.

    personally, i think that if you ran enanthate or cypionate @ 200mg/wk for a year you would not only save a fortune, but get those extra benefits you seek like improved mood and no new deposits of fat.

    i would talk to johnnyb as he will have numerous beneficial tidbits to throw your way.

  8. #8
    Rumble1251 is offline Junior Member
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    I have to say that I think Growth Hormone is a risky alternative. I have also suffered with depression and anxiety. FOught with the sexual side affects. Its good that Wellbutrin is helping. It took me a few times to get the right mix of anti-depressant. I take effexor now. I also realized with my docs help that my test levels were low. So he prescribed some low level test. THat helped the sex drive. So its good your looking for all options. Talk to your doctor, counselor/therapist and their is a solution. I feel for you and it will get better.

  9. #9
    frogg is offline Associate Member
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    well i also suffer from depression. you never know when you are gonna get it. ie tragic event breakup etc. i can literally go days without eating. i can drop weight like you cant believe. sometimes emotions run so high that you cant control yourself. but in any event for all that are depressed things will get better.

  10. #10
    c5529 is offline Member
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    for the depression talk to your dr about trying Celexa. the sexual side affects are not a problem and it has helped me greatly with depression issues (I like it much better than welbutrin, prozac, paxil, etc).

    Regarding GH, get your hormone levels checked first.....depending on what you find out you may or may not want to go on GH....from what your goals are, I suggest that you stay natural (unless your GH values are low)....You can really improve your physique/mental well being with a sound diet, cardio, and smart training without adding any GH/AAS/etc. If your GH levels are normal and you are set on a "kicker", I agree with a previous post that you may want to try an AAS first. Hope this helps...

  11. #11
    angelxterminator's Avatar
    angelxterminator is offline Senior Member
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    ok do you guys realize this thread is nearly a year old?

    i find it hilarious that people keep resurrecting these without even knowing it!

  12. #12
    marlin444 is offline Associate Member
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    its all good angelx. the point is to help the comunity, not just the person who asked the question.

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