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This is a really good question. IGF-1 does have a role in GH regulation, which is what'll be responsible for endogenous IGF-1 production. The active life of LR3 isn't clear. I've seen 12 hours or more. So, it's most likely that you will be inhibiting endogenous GH release during that period, at least in part. I lift in the AM and take my LR3 1x post w/o. So, I'll likely have normal GH release during the night. For those that lift in the afternoon/evening this probably won't be the case.
You also have to consider that the vast majority of GH's anabolic effects are directly mediated by IGF-1, which is what we're supplementing. The potency of LR3 compared to regular IGF-1 is incomparable. LR3 isn't susceptible to being bound by IGFBPs, so it's almost all bioavailable. Also, the mutation to arginine at position 3 makes LR3 have a much higher affinity for the IGF receptors.
What I'm getting at is that the LR3 you're injecting, even at low doses, will give you far greater potency than the IGF-1 that would be produced in response to 12 hours worth of GH release, even at night when GH release is highest. You're coming out ahead...by far.