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Thread: Confusion about the different grades of igf-1lr3?

  1. #1

    Confusion about the different grades of igf-1lr3?

    not sure of the different grades of this stuff. i have seen media grade and heard of chemical grade. what are the others and how do they rank in quality or purity, etc.? if i am not mistaken, i believe i read that media grade is used in research settings to accelerate the growth rate of cancer cells (when studying cancer, i guess).

  2. #2
    The only difference is in the purity, and even there, it's no big deal. The "receptor grade" is a little more pure and would be ideal for experiments testing binding affinity and things of the like, where accuracy is crucial. Media grade could be used in almost all other applications. The only "impurity" that we'd even need to concern ourselves with is endotoxin, and the media grade has levels so low that it's negligible.

    Quote Originally Posted by flexshack
    not sure of the different grades of this stuff. i have seen media grade and heard of chemical grade. what are the others and how do they rank in quality or purity, etc.? if i am not mistaken, i believe i read that media grade is used in research settings to accelerate the growth rate of cancer cells (when studying cancer, i guess).

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