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Thread: GH question help

  1. #1

    Question GH question help

    im gonna start my gh saristim kit can I still take deca and test with it still and do I always pinch and shoot it in the fat in my stomach or can I go in other places

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    inject it subcutaneous each time.

    anywhere that you have some fat or loose skin will be optimal as GH spot reduces fat in some people after a long enough duration.

    don't hit the same area on consecutive days though and try to rotate it all around your trouble spots.

  3. #3
    i also am starting a growth cycle and i had a few questions. 1) i was gonna take test enanthate with it as well as anavar...i was going to take the test and growth together and the anavar afterwards my question really is that i am extremely vascular right now and i don't wanna lose that vascularity, will the groth and test enanthate combo make me lose that.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by nova804
    i also am starting a growth cycle and i had a few questions. 1) i was gonna take test enanthate with it as well as anavar...i was going to take the test and growth together and the anavar afterwards my question really is that i am extremely vascular right now and i don't wanna lose that vascularity, will the groth and test enanthate combo make me lose that.
    I'm not sure what you mean by the anavar "after that".
    As for the GH, it'll cause you to hold a bit of water, which may reduce vascularity slightly. The test, with proper anti e's, may even increase vascularity.

  5. #5
    what i meant was that after i am done with my cycle of gh and test e, i am gonna take anavar so that my muscles stay hard.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    United Kingdom
    How long will you be running the hGH?

  7. #7
    i'll be runnin it for 7 weeks

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    United Kingdom
    You are not going to see much of a benefit running it for that length of time. A typical hGH cycle is a minimum of 3 months for noticable improvements.

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