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Thread: Diet on igf-1 lr3

  1. #1

    Diet on igf-1 lr3

    curious about what the diet should consist of when using this stuff. i am mostly concerned about carbs. i already know protein and lots of it, is a must. carbs are too, i believe. but, what kinds? complex or simple or both? does it matter? should you take in simple high glycemic carbs after injections or what?

  2. #2
    Taking a simple carb drink post w/o is essential no matter what IMO, but you would be well-served to increase the amount of simple carbs post w/o while using IGF-1. Also increasing the grams of protein in your post w/o shake would be beneficial. You seem to be able to overdo the carbs on IGF-1, because IGF-1 seems to be pretty forgiving with regard to your diet. I don't use complex carbs immediately post w/o, because I like the freedom of being able to adjust carb intake based on how I feel, using simple sugars (dextrose). You can look at JB's post regarding his run with IGF-1. He noted carb intake post w/o and subsequent blood glucose levels.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    From what I have learned, yes

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