I will be starting my next cycle in 2 weeks.I've run this cycle before and had good results,except for the hgh.This time I want to run hgh throughout my 12 week cycle.My problem is that I done alot of reading and learning about insulin needing to be run along with the hgh,and quite honestly insulin scares the ****out of me.My question is by running this cycle I have listed without insulin, can I still expect good results from the hgh or am I just waisting my money?Unless, someone can give me a sure fire way to take insulin and be sure to be safe with it.
Stats 6'0,212lbs,30 years old,15%bodyfat
HGH-4 iu's ed week 1-12
Propinate-100mgs eod 1-12
EQ-500mgs every week 1-12
Winny-50mgs ed 5-12
Tren-150mgs eod 5-12
HCG-throughout 1-12
Clomid-post cycle