I wasnt going to post a journal but due to my laziness I decided I will just post my intial experience and then at the end of each week i willpost again.
I started on the 22nd with 6iu's in post. Did this for 2 days and then jumped up to 10ius on the 3 day.
the first few days i was kind of skeptical but I went out and got my self some glucose tablets just in case and mde sure I was consuming at least 10 grams of carbs for every iu.
on the 4th day i decided to got 10ius in the am and 10ius post and so far so good.
around the 6th or 7th day after my PWO shot i waited a bit to long and started to get a numb and tingly feeling in my face and a bit of confusion from hypo. I quickly ate some glucose tabs and then started dinner and the feeling ended up subsiding.
when I intially began to use the slin I noticed I was getting some headaches that would phase in and out but evnetually go away during my meal.
So far i am up over 10lbs, my pumps are great, strength is slighly up. My workout today was the best i have had all year by far. I could attest that some of my stregth is from either the d-bols or the tren enanth? i know the d-bols are killing my back and the tren is killing my shins during walks. So far things are good and i will continue with this for the nex 3 weeks then come off and wait a few weeks before i start my igf-1 r3. I will keep this thread somewhat updated as much as i can. Wish me luck!
ahh! one more thing. I am using humalog