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Thread: my first run with slin

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    my first run with slin

    I wasnt going to post a journal but due to my laziness I decided I will just post my intial experience and then at the end of each week i willpost again.

    I started on the 22nd with 6iu's in post. Did this for 2 days and then jumped up to 10ius on the 3 day.

    the first few days i was kind of skeptical but I went out and got my self some glucose tablets just in case and mde sure I was consuming at least 10 grams of carbs for every iu.

    on the 4th day i decided to got 10ius in the am and 10ius post and so far so good.

    around the 6th or 7th day after my PWO shot i waited a bit to long and started to get a numb and tingly feeling in my face and a bit of confusion from hypo. I quickly ate some glucose tabs and then started dinner and the feeling ended up subsiding.

    when I intially began to use the slin I noticed I was getting some headaches that would phase in and out but evnetually go away during my meal.

    So far i am up over 10lbs, my pumps are great, strength is slighly up. My workout today was the best i have had all year by far. I could attest that some of my stregth is from either the d-bols or the tren enanth? i know the d-bols are killing my back and the tren is killing my shins during walks. So far things are good and i will continue with this for the nex 3 weeks then come off and wait a few weeks before i start my igf-1 r3. I will keep this thread somewhat updated as much as i can. Wish me luck!

    ahh! one more thing. I am using humalog

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Wow that's a big jump, this post scares my Bro you need to slow down. Your only suppose to add 1iu a day until you hit 10iu, I wouldn't even recommend doing 2-10iu injection on the first run. I hope you're stay awake for at least 4 hours after your injection but I'd hope longer.


  3. #3
    Excellent idea with the journal. I'm with JB on the drastic jumps in dosing. Are you using just dextrose for your post w/o carbs, and if so, are you keeping accurate records of exactly how many grams each time? I try to have my carbs in me within 10min with Humalog. How much whey are you taking in post w/o?
    The journal will help a lot of people. As much of a hassle as it may be, adding as many details as possible and keeping it updated will be appreciated by many.
    Be careful.

    Take care

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    Wow that's a big jump, this post scares my Bro you need to slow down. Your only suppose to add 1iu a day until you hit 10iu, I wouldn't even recommend doing 2-10iu injection on the first run. I hope you're stay awake for at least 4 hours after your injection but I'd hope longer.


    I stay awake at least for that much time. usually I shoot at 5pm or 6pm and then go to bed around 11 or so pending. i will not do anymore than what I am doing. I think 10ius is plenty and I am religiously monitoring myself after these injections.
    Last edited by abstrack; 03-30-2004 at 09:02 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    Excellent idea with the journal. I'm with JB on the drastic jumps in dosing. Are you using just dextrose for your post w/o carbs, and if so, are you keeping accurate records of exactly how many grams each time? I try to have my carbs in me within 10min with Humalog. How much whey are you taking in post w/o?
    The journal will help a lot of people. As much of a hassle as it may be, adding as many details as possible and keeping it updated will be appreciated by many.
    Be careful.

    Take care
    soon as a shoot the humalog I down at least 75 grams of carbs in the form of dextrose or more up to 100 also I have about 55+ grams of protein(2.5 scoops) then 1 hr after that i have a clean meal with chicken and rice and about 100grams of carbs and 50+ grams of protein. basicaly I have been eating 2 large chicken breasts and 2 cups of rice.

    Like I said on one day i waited a bit to long and actually wanted to see what the signs of hypo would actually be if I was to encounter them. Soon as I started to feel numb in my face and light headed i knew something was worng with my glucose levels so I ate some glucse tabs to bring me out and started my pwo meal.

    I dont condone anyone jumping up in dosages like I did and if you dont actually feel confindent in what you are doing than dont do it at all.

    right after my slin injections i keep my meals as lean as possible and make sure i get plenty of carbs.

    One thing I have been doing is using a clock to keep time of my injections.
    Last edited by abstrack; 03-30-2004 at 09:05 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    one thing i like to add. I dont know if it is from the tren or d-bols but I have a slight pain in my joints. not all day but it fades in and out at times. sometimes it is in my knees and rightnow as i type it is in my wrists/elbows. it's not a bad pain but a slight discomfort kind of like what winny feels like.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack
    I stay awake at least for that much time. usually I shoot at 5pm or 6pm and then go to bed around 11 or so pending. i will not do anymore than what I am doing. I think 10ius is plenty and I am religiously monitoring myself after these injections.
    OK just rying to look out for I'd hate to hear anything went wrong, be safe.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    OK just rying to look out for I'd hate to hear anything went wrong, be safe.

    I know bro, I appreciate all that you guys do!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    United Kingdom
    Yes please keep us posted, I hope to be starting my humalog this week and any useful information is appreciated through your journal

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack
    one thing i like to add. I dont know if it is from the tren or d-bols but I have a slight pain in my joints. not all day but it fades in and out at times. sometimes it is in my knees and rightnow as i type it is in my wrists/elbows. it's not a bad pain but a slight discomfort kind of like what winny feels like.
    You think that the joint pains might be due to the gh? Isn't that a common side effect. I thought BLT had problems like this while he was running it..hope I got the right memeber. It subsided when he jumped off to see if the gh was the cause. Just a thought.......I like the log Abstract, keep it updated bro.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Juggernaut2148
    You think that the joint pains might be due to the gh? Isn't that a common side effect. I thought BLT had problems like this while he was running it..hope I got the right memeber. It subsided when he jumped off to see if the gh was the cause. Just a thought.......I like the log Abstract, keep it updated bro.
    Last cycle I ran of gh at only 2iu I had the same joint pains. However, will be running 4iu this time and slin at 5 iu. Keep us posted this is a great thread!!!

  12. #12
    Are you noticing any fat gain?


  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Juggernaut2148
    You think that the joint pains might be due to the gh? Isn't that a common side effect. I thought BLT had problems like this while he was running it..hope I got the right memeber. It subsided when he jumped off to see if the gh was the cause. Just a thought.......I like the log Abstract, keep it updated bro.
    I am not runing gh on slin and aas right now. when I come off the slin i will wait a few weeks and run some igf-1 but for now it is just slin and gear.

  14. #14
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    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by BrownBomber
    Are you noticing any fat gain?

    not really to much. My bf% is up but due to the amounts of food and shakes i am consuming i wouldnt expect nothing less. I tedn to do cardio in the mornings so that could attribute to my fat being held at bay. Also my meals after I use the slin I keep real low in fat. Just high protein and complex carbs and some simple carbs.

  15. #15
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    May 2002
    today is my off day. I went in a did cardio this morning for 35 mins and then came home shot 10ius made breakfast and downed a glass of juice. over a 100 grams of carbs, and over 50 grams of protein. fat total was held under 11grams.

    shot was at 7and breakfast was at 7:30am. I downed the glass of juice immediately after my shot. about an 1hr after my meal i was tired but no sign of hypo. I usually get tired after breakfast, so I just sat around and watched t.v. with my dog for the next 2 hrs.

    So far so good, I was up another lb this moring when i weighed myself after cardio.

  16. #16
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    May 2002
    another thing. joints seem to be fine this moring. no discomfort or pain in them. I have great pump feeling all day. Body is much fuller right now. This could be partial to the water retention but it shouldnt be to much since I am taking a-dex and nolva daily

  17. #17
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    May 2002
    today is my 9th day and it was my off day . All i really did today was cardio in the am. I still remained on the 10ui of slin in the am and later this evening before dinner. My body seems to have a never ending pump going on, which i dont mind:

    I have been kind of lethargic through out the day but the day 97 degree heat could attest for some of that.

  18. #18
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    May 2002
    my weight has subsided and i have only gained another 5lbs but it is actually fluctuating. So far so good and no problems. The one thing I truely like is the pumps i am getting now. I have another 2 weeks of slin and then I am off for another 4 weeks. I will keep everybody updated.

    BF% is up a bit but not alot which i am happy about. I can still see abs so that is a good thing to me.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    United Kingdom
    How much lean body mass do you think you have gained since you started the slin abstrack?

  20. #20
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    May 2002
    i really do not know. I never get my bf% tested, I just look in the mirror to see what direction i am heading toward. It has only been 2 weeks, so I am assuming it can not be that much but then again I have no precise number to give you. Some of my weight gain could be from the d-bolsand test but then again I am using l-dex and nolva so ??

    One thing I am noticing is that the slin makes me tired a bit. I have less energy. I know my carb intake is not a issue at this point since I intake more carbs than needed.

  21. #21
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    Your mom's
    don't take this the wrong way and eat less than you need, but whenever i got tired on slin, it was cause i was taking in too many simple carbs. i cut them down a bit and the tiredness went away. some times it would get real bad, no amount of caffiene would keep me alert.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by bigbouncinballs
    don't take this the wrong way and eat less than you need, but whenever i got tired on slin, it was cause i was taking in too many simple carbs. i cut them down a bit and the tiredness went away. some times it would get real bad, no amount of caffiene would keep me alert.
    I'm very particular about the simple carb intake. I started at 10g/IU of slin but have it now down to 6-7g of glucose/IU of humalog. Excess carbs will be stored as well, so any additional bf% increase can either be attributed to fat intake or excess carbs during the slin's window of activity.

  23. #23
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    one thing i did different today was I treated my morning shot like my PWO and had a shake with 75 grams of carbs with in 10 mins of my moring shot, then I ate my breakfast with in 30 mins or so. I cut back a few of my carbs in my breakfast and felt alright afterwards.

    i was real tired this afternoon, class could have attributed to some of that since I am bored as hell in there. After dinner tonight I felt no tiredness at all.

    I think some of my joint pain is due to the rapid weight gain and my joints are not use to it.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    how are you gains

  25. #25
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    May 2002
    at the end of last night I was up 5lbs. Although yesterday was my cheet day: I really dont want to look at gains so soon untill i come off the d-bols in another 2 weeks.. 2 weeks is a short amount of time, but I am packing on a-lot of weight at this point.

  26. #26
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    well, my weight has subsided and i cut back on a few carbs. I am still a bit tired in the morning and afternoon but during the night I am not at all.

    I started using about 7-8 grams of carbs per iu of slin and it seems to be working better for me.

  27. #27
    Excellent. I, for one, am curious to hear your results. Are you feeling pumps for a much longer period of time?

    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack
    well, my weight has subsided and i cut back on a few carbs. I am still a bit tired in the morning and afternoon but during the night I am not at all.

    I started using about 7-8 grams of carbs per iu of slin and it seems to be working better for me.

  28. #28
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    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    Excellent. I, for one, am curious to hear your results. Are you feeling pumps for a much longer period of time?
    the pumps are unreal. I have a pump in my arms all day long it seems like. Yesterday after shoulders/arms I had a great pump going. I could still do my workout with no problem and I had a nice fill of blood in my shoulder and arms. I feel as if even a hour after my workout I am still having a real pumped muscle after my workout.

    I am only going to run the slin in 4 week increments and i can definitely say i will use it again through out my cycle.

    right now i am only goin into week 3 of my cycle and the test and eq has not even really kicked in yet. My strength is up from the d-bols and tren. I will definitely use slin in post or as a bridge.

  29. #29
    bump so abstrack can get his **** together and update this. This is good info.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    bump so abstrack can get his **** together and update this. This is good info.
    lol, sorry about that. i told you I'd get lazy.

    My weight has level off since the start of the slin. I am up about 20 lbs and holding steady. I am still running 10ius in the AM and 10ius post. I am also treating my first meal just like my post work out. i am drinking a pretein shake with dextrose in the AM than an hour later i will have my sctual breakfast which contains about the same macro break down. 75 grams of carbs and 50-55 grams of protein and very low fat to almost nada. By cutting back on my carb intake to 7-8 per iu of slin I have not been tired in the AM and definitely not in the PM.

    I have about 1 more week of slin and i am off for 4 weeks. I would like to see if ayof my weight is water from the d-bols or atleast how much of it is water. I really dont feel bloated and I have been keeping up with l-dex and nolva daily. i am going to drop the nolva and continue with the l-dex through the remainder of my cycle.

    One thing before I leave. Yesterday morning i had my slin shot about 6:50am and had that protein shake about 10 mins later. I held off on the breakfast for more than an hour, probably like an 1 1/2 hours and I noticed some slight signs of hypo. They were not to serious to b worried but Went back inside from what i was doing and had breakfast but immediately had a 8oz. glass of OJ and was fine within minutes.

    I am actually looking forward to comming off and taking a break so I can see how the igf and slin work with each other but that will be another 5 weeks own the road. I am also glad i decided to run slin by itself so I could get a good feeling for how i would react and the signs of hypo. The pumps i am getting are great, not unbareable so I can not continue a workout but an overall good feeling where it continue throughout the day. I am really impressed so far with this run. I am 3 weeks in and 20 lbs up from where i started. I just hope at weeks 20 that my weight has slightly increased and PCT goes well afterward.

    Thanks Einstein1905 for the reminder and the help.

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack
    lol, sorry about that. i told you I'd get lazy.

    Thanks Einstein1905 for the reminder and the help.
    No, thank YOU for posting. This really is good info. It'll really help people who are considering insulin or even those who have run or are running it now. All the details and daily idiosyncrasies are great. When you do combine it with the IGF-1, I hope you'll keep this journal updated with that too. BTW, look for some mean pumps with that combo.

  32. #32
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    May 2002
    today was great, i have been continuing with the shakes after my slin slots and that seems to be working better for me. also I tend to get more cals in daily by doing this. I worked shoulder and arms today and the pump was awfull today. I started with bi and tris first and then when i was done i moved onto shoulders. Well i could not even lift the dumbells up to my shoulders to do presses. i had to get assistance to lift the weight up and from there I could rep out. My arms were blasted from the time I left there around 5:30 till now while i am typing this. The pumps have gone down some but are significantly there still.

    This is my last week and i have actually stopped the d-bols as of today. I would like to see how my weight levels out over the next 3-4 days.

    that all for now.. time for bed...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  33. #33
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    May 2002
    one more thing. I kind of like the idea of using a protein shake with some dextrose,glut,and creatine righ after my slin shots. I get enough nutrients to keep myslf stable and I have no signs of hypo this way. Keep in mind that I still consume a solid meal with an hour to hour and half after that shake.

  34. #34
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    sorry i didnt keep this updated, when the board went down for two weeks and this thread was lost in the rubble I just stop making any notes on a daily basis at night.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    So... its been 2 months - how would you compare the gear with and without slin? Mass gains, fat gains, lean gains?

  36. #36
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    So... its been 2 months - how would you compare the gear with and without slin? Mass gains, fat gains, lean gains?
    well I have another week of the igf-1 r3/slin

    i would say slin with AAS is definitely a awsome combo. with proper diet,training, it has allowed to gain over 20lbs in the time I have been using it. it took me some time through trial and error to get through some lethargy but that was due to my carb intake while using slin and igf

    since using the igf i really could say this stuff is great as far as keeping fat off, increasing definition and hardning the crap out of your muscles. I never experienced the "unbelievable" pumps I have read about. The pumps were no greater than just usin the slin with aas.

    I have not took any measurments but I can tell noticeably that my arms and back are thicker. I have not really trained legs in 2 weeks due to a pulled muscle in my quad and right now all it is doing is bruising up on my thigh to a nice deep purple.

    i think i made some decent LBM gains while on the combo and I would like to see how things turn out when i start cutting. I also would like to use igf in a cutting cycle, I think that gains and cuts could be attained much faster using igf/aas

    I would be even curious to see how the combo of igf and ass would be together if i was using high doses of aas. Dont get me wrong, I think using low doses of aas and the igf worked just fine for what i wanted to accomplish. I gained size in my upper/lower body, maintained my bf%, and I am still making steady gains in week 9 of my 20 week cycle.

    using the slin alone i gained a bit more of bf and I think that the igf helped keep it down in these last 3 weeks. When i decide to use the slin again later on in my cycle, I will only use it in post instead of using in the AM and in post.

  37. #37
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    well today is my last day, actually i have saturday left and I will be done for 4 weeks.

    As far as gains are concerned, I am only up another 3-4 lbs and my bf is remained the same. I really cant complain, I have pretty much done what i wanted to do and that was to gain LBM and increase my arms size, which I did.

    For a couple of weeks using the igf , I was having these pains through out my body. One day it might be in my back, one day it might be localized in my traps and neck, etc... I finally worked out of that mess, which i contribute to the igf. The pain just felt like a real tight muscle to a point of uncomfortableness.

    My next forcuss will be back to my legs, I have wanted my legs to grow but I pulled a muscle a few weeks back and has put me out of doing any legs excercises up till today.

    overall this is a great combo from what i have experinced. the pumps are great and the way your body feels all day is great too. I never experienced a pumps so uncontrollable that I could not complete my workout but I did notice that the pump stayed in my muscle longer than usual.

    I worked throught the lethargy which was a issues with carb intake and I think it could have been put under control alot faster if I had a Glucose meter before hand.

    If I have missed anything or if anynoe has a ?, please just reply to the thread so we can address it for the forum. Thanks for all who took an interest in my journal and thanks to einstein for keeping on my lazy azz.

    Also i appologize for the weeks of not keeping it up during the board down time and mix ups.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nice journal it seems to be the way to go with using igf/slin together. I guess I better order some more

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