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Thread: how do you cycle t3

  1. #1

    how do you cycle t3

    I am aware of how t3 works and what its does to your body, but i have no idea on how to take it, when i look up past post on t3, its a different language to me. I was wonder how you start it off, how much to take, how long you can be on it for. i am planning on useing it with growth. should i start it when i start the growth or before or later after. also is 25mcg like one pill or what, i have never even seen the stuff before. Also how might you come off of it also. Will body temp and metabolism go back to normal. yeah yeah, i know a lot of question, but this is just to give me an idea of what to expect out of it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    wrong sections bro but here is a good thread for all your T3 questions

    next time you ask a load of questions make sure you do a good search of the forum first, not moaning it's just people will ignore you.



  3. #3
    Thanks AG and i did do some research, but here is what i do know about t3, it should be tapered when taken, i am not sure exatly how( an taken throughout the day), so many different ways it has been done, i know that most guys will do it for 42 days at a time, how long inbetween cycles can you start up, the reason i ask this and posted it in this section is because i want to know how to incorperate it into a gh cycle, roughly 6 to 8 months long for best results. I know it will shut down your throid gland, another question is how do you come off of it and will your throid go back to forming the same metabolism you were at before. i am maybe looking at just going up to 100 or 125 mcg a day. that is all i really want to know. any ideas guys, don't want to sound like i'm moaning.

  4. #4
    Read some of Mallet's recent threads, in particular, his thyroid pct, which directly answers a few of your questions. Also, cycling T3 with GH will be the same as without, with the exception that GH will likely downregulate thyroid function slightly, and you may want to adjust dosage with that in mind, depending on your goals/reasons for taking T3.

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