I know this subject has been beaten to death, but I never drew a conclusion from any of the 1000 threads I pulled up in a search. They are all different, so I will ask again, and see what the majority recommends for ME.
First stats and background
5'8 220lbs 10%bf 21yrs old
Plan to start GH at 22, and around 230-240lbs 10%bf (about a year from now)
4 cycles under my belt. Gained 70lbs LBM since I started juicing.
I have used slin before, but only as a bridge, and only humalog. It worked VERY well on its own. This time I plan on using Humalin R 2x per day (morning and post workout) along with GH. It will be a 5-7months bulking (with some time off and on AAS, but stayin on GH) then 2months cutting into competition. I have read tons of information about shooting 7 days a week is mandatory and optimal for best IGF-1 levels.
1. What is the lowest but BEST effective dose to use for a first time user? Iv been told as little as 3iu will get me the results I seek.
2. Considering im using slin 2x per day, what is the most effective time(s) to shoot my GH for best results when combined with slin? I know a lot like bedtime shots, but I have read that its required to do GH shots 30min before your slin for optimal results, which would mean for me AM and early PM shots.