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Thread: advice needed on cycling gh?

  1. #1

    advice needed on cycling gh?

    i have 11.33 mg of humatrope. i need advice on the proper method/s of cycling it with anadrol, stenox, or dinabol.

  2. #2
    You need a whole lot more to make it worthwhile. You've only got roughly 30IUs as it stands now. You'll want to run about 2-4IUs/day for 3 months, preferably longer.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    You need a whole lot more to make it worthwhile. You've only got roughly 30IUs as it stands now. You'll want to run about 2-4IUs/day for 3 months, preferably longer.

    And then some!!!! Bro, Like Einstein said, you barely have any. You better slow down and do some research. You won't see GH's benefits until month 3. I say you should run GH for at least 6months.

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