Has anyone used this IGF and how was it?? Not bad for $200 if its good stuff!!
Has anyone used this IGF and how was it?? Not bad for $200 if its good stuff!!
I'm about to find out as soon as it comes in , I just sent for it lastnight![]()
What do you mean by that??? Not the right doses...Ok...here are my opitions...CS or MR..or get it from my source for $300 ... but I know that I will get the best...because he is the best...
I feel pretty confident that MR's stuff is pretty much what they say. They obviously have purchased in bulk and reconstituted the 20mg vials and aliquoted them out. It'd be very easy to dilute a little further, so it comes out to less than 1mg/mL, especially since not too many people will be able to notice a slight difference.
Many people have had good results with MR though. The 3mg price is pretty good too.
And you feel our dosages aren't right based on what? You said you know a few people who have bought it from us. Are you able to tell that our dosage is not right from this minute amount of information?Originally Posted by whiteykauai
Welcome to the boardOriginally Posted by MuscleResearch
Of all the online sources of LR3, by far, MR gets the most praise. It'd be very easy to be skeptical based on what I said above, but who'd ever know? In any event, people love the results they get with your stuff.
ditto!Originally Posted by einstein1905
welcome MR. Just ordered some last week!
Axe i like the pic.. let me know where i can get it.
and about mr's stuff, i never heard anything negative...
just recieved mine from them only took 2 days to get it
Keep us updated Bro. I'm thinking of ordering myself. PeaceOriginally Posted by harleyman
ill keep it posted as i cycle it, this is my 4th time running it the first 3 times i ran high doses at 100mcg a day to 120mcg a day split them up in 2 shots .this experiment im only going to run 40mcg a day and see if theres a difference running high or a lower dose.im going to run it with 750mg of test cyp. a week, nothing else .going to run the 1gfl for 25days.last time i experimented with it at 100mcg a day the pumps and appettite were insaine.
120mcg a day? That's making my mouth water. I ran it at 40mcg and had great results. I'm thinking of bumping to 60 next time around.
Its Katie Price (Jordan) Found it through yahoo search.Originally Posted by stevenb
get this the first time i ran it read the slin pin wrong did 300 mcg the first day then did 200 mcg the second day that was freaking insaine.but did ok afterwards had to order another bottle at the time.
I cant even imagine the pump you had from working out for the next few days.Originally Posted by harleyman
Were you using AAS the first few times you used it? I did not, but still felt that it added quite a bit.
I plan on using it with a prop, eq, tren, or test, tren, deca cycle depending on how fat I feelI'm hoping that the effects will be many times compounded by using AAS.
**** bro that is one expensive mistake!Originally Posted by harleyman
Probably equals out to about 100ius of HGH...dang.
that was very expensive mistake but worth it i was taking test with it500mg a week. i take test all year round pumps were freakin great got a little thicker also .
Add a little slin and youre a....Super freak, super freak, your super freeakay.............I'm sorry for singing, but I'm serious.
ive never tried slin in all the gears ive been training just ordered some humalog been doing a lot of research on it and talking to einstein about it going to go for it soon .did have alot of headaches from the 1gfl last time
Last edited by harleyman; 04-08-2004 at 07:49 PM.
I'm assuming that it would have a good synergism with the IGF just like HGH, although I'm not sure. I havent read anything on here about that.
It would be really cool if he was on to comment on that.
Originally Posted by inheritmylife
quote by einstein1905:
"LR3, too, has great potential for synergy with insulin, as both insulin and IGF-1 (LR3 or otherwise) serve to shuttle in nutrients into cells, in particular, glycogen-depleted muscle cells post w/o. The shuttling in of both glucose and amino acids serve to provide the necessary components for IGF-1's major functions....increasing protein synthesis. The hyperplasiac effects of IGF-1 (although it isn't really hyperplasia) increase the total number of muscle cells that can also benefit from the aforementioned mechanisms. Using them together, you'd be well served to plan on taking in additional simple carbs post injection. I'd do them together in the same pin and shoot site-specifically into the muscle just worked as if it were IGF-1 alone."
(i already spoke with him privately on this topic briefly.)
so, using m-r's stuff, what would be the units on a slin to do 50mcg?
I would start out at 4iu and work up to 8iu ed for 1week and 1 week off. However, please do extensive "use" research before trying this potontially deadly mix. PeaceOriginally Posted by woodiechopper
On a U-100 slin pin (assuming yours has 50 total tics, like most do), 50mcg of M-R's would be between the 2nd and 3rd tic. It may be easier to add 1mL of BA to your vial so that each tic will then represent 10mcg.Originally Posted by woodiechopper
thanks! just to be clear, I'm not doing igf and insulin together, just igf which seems to be safe if you don't overdose. Not worth the risks.
Originally Posted by MuscleResearch
it was my opinion, the point i was trying to get across was that personally i thought there are too many variables, and for all i knew it could be diluted. but the again i havent used it, and will be curious to hear the other users results compared to the other companies they have used. best of luck to you bro.
ok just started my 1gf1lr at 40 mcg today i added1 ml of ba to it this time the last couple of times i didnt add anything to it,it was a little easier to draw with 1 ml of ba.going for 25 days.
I think I read somewhere that you can also use B-12 instead of ba. Is that right?
noooo, b12 is a vitamin, where did you read it
no dont mix b-12 with it { ba .}
you can draw with b-12 if you want (in place of bw). do not mix it in the vial though.
ok day 3 on m-r 1gflr using 40 mcg a day taking it in the thigh this experiment last time i used in the shoulder so far my appetit.is way up i am able to consume a lot of protein compared to last week. taking it after workouts this time, around 730pm been sleeping pretty good alot of energy in the gym noticed a little better pump still to soon yet maybe by friday or mon it should be kickin in pretty good.taking in some carbs.i like to eat oatmeal before bed along with a piece of chicken.no stomach cramps while im sleeping.so far so good .
glad to hear bro, i cant wait to hear some more
hopefully by the end of the week itll be kickin in pretty good last time it only took about a weekor so for the good pumps and the hardness to start.im dieting pretty hard this time while im on it im going to see if i can get as lean and hard as i am in my atavar i dont know if i can though thats from winstrol v. and a good diet be we will see.
day 5 trained bi and tris today took 40 mcg before workout 1 hr .the pumps are reallying on their way felt good couldnt finish my tri workout getting pretty vascular diet going good not going to get on the scale this month going by what the mirror says my appetite is way up so far m-r stuff is pretty **** good.going back to injects after workouts for now on.for this exeperiment
awesome harleyman. keep us updated.
I am interested in how it affects your blood sugar levels and your ketones. Harleyman, are you checking either of these? What kind of diet are you using?
i can tell its affecting my blood sugar after injection it lowers it i still need to get some sticks. im eating a high protein diet alot of chicken a little red meat for dinner sticking to yams ,dont like to eat white potatoes they raise my blood sugar if i do eat white potatoes i eat green beans with it that keeps my blood sugar down. like to eat alot of green beans for my sodium intake no dairy products what so ever whey drinks throught the day basically im doing the same diet that if i was getting ready for a show.brown rice instead of white rice.some fruit apples and bannas.trying to eat every 2 to 3 hours i carry a cooler and keep it at work.i eat pretty good all year round sometimes i will eat a pizza on the weekends to get my metabolism going again plus i like the sodium from the pizza to keep the muscles full.
Last edited by harleyman; 04-14-2004 at 06:02 PM.
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